Lesson Plan for Teaching Emotions to Kindergarten. Understanding and Expressing Emotions through Interactive Activities
Lesson Plan for Teaching Emotions to Kindergarten

Lesson Plan for Teaching Emotions to Kindergarten
Teaching emotions to young learners helps them recognize and express their feelings effectively. This lesson plan incorporates fun games, vocabulary exercises, and practical scenarios to help kindergarteners understand and articulate various emotions. Here’s a comprehensive lesson plan for a kindy class focused on emotions.
Warmer Activity
- Start the lesson with a game of Hangman using words related to emotions. This engaging activity will warm up the class and introduce them to the vocabulary they’ll learn.
Introducing Emotion Vocabulary:
- Teach and drill the following emotion words:
- Exhausted
- Surprised
- Ecstatic
- Scared
- Hungry
- Angry
- Lonely
- Jealous
- Proud
Bilingual Vocabulary:
- Get the class to write down each word in English and Thai to reinforce their understanding and help bilingual learners.
Production Activities
Scenarios and Spider Diagrams:
- Invite the class to give examples of things or scenarios that cause each emotion.
- Draw spider diagrams for each vocabulary word on the board.
- Have the class write down three example causes for each emotion word in their books.
Practice Activities
Question and Answer Practice:
- Questions and Answers:
- Q) What makes you feel _______?
- A) ______ makes me feel ________.
- Q) What are you scared of?
- A) I am scared of spiders.
- Q) Why are you angry?
- A) Because he punched me in the face.
- Q) What makes you feel _______?
Matching Exercise:
- Match the sentence to the word:
- I won the competition, I am the winner! – Ecstatic
Cooler Activity
Animal and Emotion Dice Game:
- Make two dice: one with animals and one with emotions.
- Roll the dice, and the student has to act out whatever combination it lands on (e.g., a scared cat or an ecstatic dog).
Lesson Plan for Teaching Emotions to Kindergarten- Conclusion
End the lesson with a recap of the emotions vocabulary learned. Encourage students to share their feelings and practice using the new words at home and in everyday situations to build their emotional intelligence.
By incorporating a mix of competitive games, map activities, and practical exercises, you can effectively teach kindergarteners about emotions while keeping them engaged and excited about learning.

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