Confusing words. Understanding commonly confused words in English with free printable PDF Worksheet
Confusing words

Confusing words
Understanding commonly confused words can improve accuracy and confidence in English. This lesson includes a fun quiz to identify and correct common mistakes.
A fun quiz on commonly confused words to help learners distinguish between them in real-world contexts.
- Distribute the quiz: Students should complete it individually. Do not reveal that the quiz focuses on commonly confused words to encourage natural responses.
- Review the answers together: Discuss errors and clarify meanings with examples.
- Flashcard Activity: Each student picks a flashcard with a word and must use it in a sentence correctly.
- If correct, they earn 2 bonus points.
- If incorrect, another student can attempt with an additional 2 points.
- Total scores: Count points at the end.
- Discussion: Ask students which other words they confuse and why.
Quiz 1: Choose the Correct Word
- At weddings, guests throw confetti/coriander at the newlyweds.
- My neighbour is waiting/expecting/attending a baby.
- Due to the late arrival of an incoming aircraft, we missed our coincidence/combination/connection.
- Betty was horrified when she stepped on the scales/balance and saw her weight.
- If you don’t know a word, you should look it up in a good vocabulary/dictionary/thesaurus.
- My brother works in a restaurant as a cooker/cook, and one day he hopes to become head chief/chef.
- Margaret is a very clever girl; in reality/actually, I’d say she’s a genius.
- After the accident, he was recovered/admitted to hospital.
- Mike smiled to himself when he thought of all the things he had realised/achieved in his life.
- I love the gym; in fact, I now have a 2-year inscription/subscription/membership.
- Our staff is composed/made up/consisted of one manager, one supervisor, and three full-time clerks.
- I’ve had a terrible year confronted/compared/in respect to last year.
- We keep our bicycles and other odds and ends in the canteen/cellar/tavern.
- Jane and I fell out after a very bad discussion/argument.
- John’s an excellent swimmer; in effect/in fact/in reality, he was an Olympic champion a few years ago.
- Karen can’t go on holiday because she is actually/currently writing her thesis.
- Grace is job hunting; she wants to find a better and higher-paid place/post.
- I have parents/relatives all over the world.
- Kevin doesn’t know which matters/subjects/arguments to study at school next year.
- The main argument/topic of today’s meeting is the environmental policy within this company.
Total: 20 points
Quiz 2: Choose the Correct Word
My husband is starting a new business and is looking for office space to rent/let/hire. First, he needed to insure/ensure/assure that he opened the office in a good catchment area. He managed to save/salvage some office furniture from a company that was closing down. All the furniture seems to be in good condition. I decided to quit my job as a secretary in a company to become his assistant. At the moment, I am running/managing/handling the stationary/stationery orders and doing spreadsheets to keep tabs on all the costs we occur/incur. I’m not sure how working together will effect/affect our relationship, but for now, it’s the only way to resolve/solve the problem of setting up a business while keeping costs to a minimum and avoid/evade paying too much tax. However, when things are up and running, I’d prefer to work alternative/alternate days so that I can have a rest/relax. This was advise/advice given to me by my mother, who always tells/says me that looking after a house is also a work/job in itself. I also want to be able to continue frequenting/attending my yoga class. At the same time, I can already tell that my husband pretends/demands a lot from an assistant, and sometimes I have to remember/remind him that I’m not his slave. Anyway, I’m excited about our new business venture, and I’m sure that it will go good/well.
Total: 18 points
Practicing commonly confused words in context helps reinforce proper usage. Keep a personal list of words you struggle with and review them regularly!