Confusing words

Confusing words

Confusing words

Understanding commonly confused words can improve accuracy and confidence in English. This lesson includes a fun quiz to identify and correct common mistakes.


A fun quiz on commonly confused words to help learners distinguish between them in real-world contexts.


  1. Distribute the quiz: Students should complete it individually. Do not reveal that the quiz focuses on commonly confused words to encourage natural responses.
  2. Review the answers together: Discuss errors and clarify meanings with examples.
  3. Flashcard Activity: Each student picks a flashcard with a word and must use it in a sentence correctly.
    • If correct, they earn 2 bonus points.
    • If incorrect, another student can attempt with an additional 2 points.
  4. Total scores: Count points at the end.
  5. Discussion: Ask students which other words they confuse and why.

Quiz 1: Choose the Correct Word

  1. At weddings, guests throw confetti/coriander at the newlyweds.
  2. My neighbour is waiting/expecting/attending a baby.
  3. Due to the late arrival of an incoming aircraft, we missed our coincidence/combination/connection.
  4. Betty was horrified when she stepped on the scales/balance and saw her weight.
  5. If you don’t know a word, you should look it up in a good vocabulary/dictionary/thesaurus.
  6. My brother works in a restaurant as a cooker/cook, and one day he hopes to become head chief/chef.
  7. Margaret is a very clever girl; in reality/actually, I’d say she’s a genius.
  8. After the accident, he was recovered/admitted to hospital.
  9. Mike smiled to himself when he thought of all the things he had realised/achieved in his life.
  10. I love the gym; in fact, I now have a 2-year inscription/subscription/membership.
  11. Our staff is composed/made up/consisted of one manager, one supervisor, and three full-time clerks.
  12. I’ve had a terrible year confronted/compared/in respect to last year.
  13. We keep our bicycles and other odds and ends in the canteen/cellar/tavern.
  14. Jane and I fell out after a very bad discussion/argument.
  15. John’s an excellent swimmer; in effect/in fact/in reality, he was an Olympic champion a few years ago.
  16. Karen can’t go on holiday because she is actually/currently writing her thesis.
  17. Grace is job hunting; she wants to find a better and higher-paid place/post.
  18. I have parents/relatives all over the world.
  19. Kevin doesn’t know which matters/subjects/arguments to study at school next year.
  20. The main argument/topic of today’s meeting is the environmental policy within this company.

Total: 20 points

Quiz 2: Choose the Correct Word

My husband is starting a new business and is looking for office space to rent/let/hire. First, he needed to insure/ensure/assure that he opened the office in a good catchment area. He managed to save/salvage some office furniture from a company that was closing down. All the furniture seems to be in good condition. I decided to quit my job as a secretary in a company to become his assistant. At the moment, I am running/managing/handling the stationary/stationery orders and doing spreadsheets to keep tabs on all the costs we occur/incur. I’m not sure how working together will effect/affect our relationship, but for now, it’s the only way to resolve/solve the problem of setting up a business while keeping costs to a minimum and avoid/evade paying too much tax. However, when things are up and running, I’d prefer to work alternative/alternate days so that I can have a rest/relax. This was advise/advice given to me by my mother, who always tells/says me that looking after a house is also a work/job in itself. I also want to be able to continue frequenting/attending my yoga class. At the same time, I can already tell that my husband pretends/demands a lot from an assistant, and sometimes I have to remember/remind him that I’m not his slave. Anyway, I’m excited about our new business venture, and I’m sure that it will go good/well.

Total: 18 points


Practicing commonly confused words in context helps reinforce proper usage. Keep a personal list of words you struggle with and review them regularly!


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