Talking about waste - Listening Video

Listening Comprehension: Talking about waste. Videos about the environment to improve listening skills and colloquial English vocabulary.

Listening Comprehension: Talking about waste

Activities to practice listening skills through videos about several topics.

Through the use of some technological resources such as the video students, both children and adults could acquire the target language efficiently. There fore, as the majority of the people know, learning a foreign language is not an easy process but if the students feel motivated towards it, they could acquire it with more success.

The video is one of the audiovisual materials which allow learners to acquire the language, interpret it and decode it. By means of the combination of visual images, the audio oral expressions and characters’ body language, students can learn new lexical items, grammatical structures, improve pronunciation among other issues.

Talking about waste – Listening Videos

Here are some useful listening videos to improve listening and colloquial English vocabulary for students level B2.
Listening Video: Talking About waste

Listening Video: Extracts

Listening Video: An Interview with an Expert Part 1

Listening Video: An Interview with an Expert Part 2

Listening Video: An Interview with an Expert Part 3

Listening Video: Extracts

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