Crosswords for English Learners Phrasal Verbs

Crosswords for English Learners: Phrasal Verbs. Five Crosswords to learn and practice some phrasal verbs with fun. Free eBook and PDF

Crosswords for English Learners: Phrasal Verbs


Crosswords for English Learners Phrasal Verbs

Crosswords for English Learners: Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs are verbs that are used in common with other parts of speech, usually prepositions, and take on meanings of their own when combined with these other parts of speech.

Phrasal verbs are very useful and plentiful, and hence provide endless teaching materials for ESL teachers.

Some examples include:

  •                                 to go out = to date
  •                                 to bring up = to raise
  •                                 to take after = to act like
  •                                 to find out = to learn, to discover
  •                                 to put off = to postpone

To see the difference that simple preposition can make in meaning:

  •                                take up = do a hobby
  •                                take off = undress
  •                                take in = adopt
  •                                take away = revoke
  •                                take over = conquer

The importance of phrasal verbs to ESL teaching and learning cannot be overstated.  Although phrasal verbs are written as a combination of  two or more words, they act as if they were one word.

Phrasal verbs can be inseparable, separable, transitive, and intransitive.  

Crosswords for English Learners: Phrasal Verbs

Crossword 1


  • 2. _______ out a dress and I’ll buy it for you.
  • 5. He had to ____ ____ of university because he had no money.
  • 7. Let’s _____ up the tent before it rains.
  • 9. The bomb will ____ up in two minutes.
  • 10. Don’t ____ ____ to me you rude boy.
  • 12. If you ____ into Jack, tell him to call me.
  • 13. I need to get ____ of some old furniture.
  • 15. He likes to ______ up stories.


  • 1. ____ by and visit me sometime.
  • 2. We _____ off our trip until next year.
  • 3. I’m going to ____ down on fatty foods.
  • 4. If you ____ across a good dictionary. Buy it for me.
  • 6. _______ it up in the dictionary.
  • 8. It’s warm. Why don’t you _____ off your jacket?
  • 10. It’s too loud. _______ down the volume.
  • 11. I have to take _____ of my little brother
  • 14. There are many mistakes. ____ it over

Crossword 2


  • 1. We _____ off the meeting until next week.
  • 3. There are many mistakes. ____ it over.
  • 5. _______ it up in the encyclopedia.
  • 6. I’m going to ____ down on fatty foods.
  • 7. The bomb will ____ up in two minutes.
  • 9. I need to get _____ of some old newspapers.
  • 11. It’s warm. Why don’t you _____ off your sweater?
  • 12. He likes to ______ up stories.
  • 14. I won’t ___ ___ with your rude behavior anymore.


  • 1. _______ out a hat and I’ll buy it for you.
  • 2. Don’t ____ ____ to me you rude boy.
  • 3. He had to ____ ____ of university because he his grades were so bad.
  • 4. Let’s _____ up the tent and then cook dinner.
  • 6. I have to take _____ of my little sister.
  • 8. If you ____ across a good dictionary. Buy it for me.
  • 10. ____ by and visit me sometime.
  • 13. I don’t feel like cooking. Let’s _____ out

Crossword 3


  • 1. I have to take _____ of my little brother.
  • 3. If you ____ across a good dictionary. Buy it for me.
  • 6. I don’t want to cook. Let’s _____ out.
  • 7. Let’s _____ up the tent before it rains.
  • 9. Don’t ____ ____ to me you rude boy.
  • 11. If you ____ into Jack, tell him to call me.
  • 12. _____ up! It’s morning.
  • 13. There are many mistakes. ____ it over.


  • 1. Can you ____ ____ with some solutions.
  • 2. If we don’t start spending less, we will ___ ___ of money soon.
  • 3. I’m going to ____ down on fatty foods.
  • 4. He likes to ______ up stories.
  • 5. I ___ ___ well with Sandy because she is so easygoing.
  • 8. It’s warm. Why don’t you _____ off your jacket?
  • 10. The bomb will ____ up in two minutes.
  • 11. I need to get ____ of some old furniture

Crossword 4


  • 1. Can you ____ ____ with some solutions.
  • 3. ____ by and visit me sometime.
  • 4. I ___ ___ well with Sandy because she is so easygoing.
  • 6. _______ out a dress and I’ll buy it for you.
  • 9. It’s too loud. _______ down the volume.
  • 11. I don’t want to cook. Let’s _____ out.
  • 12. We _____ off our trip until next year.
  • 13. There are many mistakes. ____ it over.


  • 1. I’m going to ____ down on fatty foods.
  • 2. He likes to ______ up stories.
  • 3. He had to ____ ____ of university because he had no money.
  • 5. It’s warm. Why don’t you _____ off your jacket?
  • 6. I won’t ___ ___ with your rude behavior anymore.
  • 7. If you ____ into Jack, tell him to call me.
  • 8. Let’s _____ up the tent before it rains.
  • 10. I need to get _____ of some old furniture

Crossword 5


  • 1. ____ by and visit us sometime.
  • 3. The bomb will ____ up in ten minutes.
  • 6. Don’t ____ ____ to me you rude girl.
  • 8. If you ____ into Jason, tell him to call me.
  • 9. I need to get _____ of some old furniture.
  • 11. If you ____ across a good tennis racket. Buy it for me.
  • 14. We _____ off our trip until next year.
  • 15. I don’t want to cook. Let’s _____ out.


  • 2_______ out a dress and I’ll buy it for you.
  • 4 _______ it up on the internet.
  • 5. _____ up! It’s morning.
  • 6. It’s too noisy. _______ down the volume.
  • 7. I have to take _____ of my little brother.
  • 10. There are many mistakes. ____ it over.
  • 11. I’m going to ____ down on fatty foods.
  • 12. He likes to ______ up stories.
  • 13. Let’s _____ up the tent before it gets dark
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