Learn French - Word Power 101

Learn French Word Power 101. (French Edition). This e-book is a completely new way to learn French vocabulary fast – and for free! Free eBook

Learn French Word Power 101

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Master French with Learn French – Word Power 101. This e-book is a completely new way to learn French vocabulary fast – and for free! Start speaking French in minutes with the powerful learning methods you will master in this book.

The vocabulary words you’ll find in Learn French – Word Power 101 were hand selected by our French language teachers as the top 101 most frequently used words in the French language. With each entry, you’ll see the word and a vibrant image to help remember the meaning. You’ll hear the word (separate free download) to master the pronunciation. Then you’ll see how the word is actually used in everyday speech with sample sentences and phrases. Learning French vocabulary has never been easier!

In this book, you’ll get:

– 101 of the most frequently used French vocabulary words
– Audio with authentic native French pronunciation
*Supplementary mp3 audio files are a separate download
– Vibrant photos and images to help memorization
– Useful and practical sample sentences and phrases

Purchase Learn French – Word Power 101 today to start mastering French vocabulary in the fastest, easiest and most fun way possible!

Using this e-book is simple. The book is a collection of key French vocabulary words grouped by topic. The words in this book were selected by a panel of professional teachers. They represent some of the most frequently used words in the French language.

Why is this book is so powerful?

1. Word organization builds connections. Words are organized around related topics. The connections between words will reinforce your memory of them. 2. Visual images increase retention Each word is presented with a picture to increase retention. 3. Example usage accelerates mastery. Sample phrases and sentences illustrate key word usage. This powerful language-learning tactic will help you rapidly improve. Seeing the word in phrases and sample sentences with translation offers you an effortless way to master important grammar points and other key words. 4. Hear the words to increase listening comprehension and recall* (separate download). A native French speaker has prepared and recorded all audio accompanying this book. Not only will you build listening skills, but you will quickly acquire native pronunciation, pitch, intonation, and rhythm with the audio provided FREE with this book.




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