
Past Simple Vs Present Perfect. English grammar with exercises. English ESL Worksheets. Free eBook and Free printable PDF

Past Simple Vs Present Perfect

Past Simple Vs Present Perfect

Past Simple Vs Present Perfect

We use the past simple for past events or actions which have no connection to the present.

We use the present perfect for actions which started in the past and are still happening now OR for finished actions which have a connection to the present.

We CAN’T use the present perfect with a finished time word:

I’ve been to the museum yesterday > WRONG

I went to the museum yesterday > CORRECT

Present Perfect SimplePast Simple
Unfinished actions that started in the past and continue to the present:
I‘ve known Richard for ten years (and I still know her).
Finished actions:
I knew Richard for ten years (but then she moved away and we lost touch).
A finished action in someone’s life (when the person is still alive: life experience):
My brother has been to Mexico three times.
A finished action in someone’s life (when the person is dead):
My great-grandmother went to Mexico three times.
A finished action with a result in the present:
I‘ve lost my keys! (The result is that I can’t get into my house now).
A finished action with no result in the present:
I lost my keys yesterday. It was terrible! (Now there is no result. I got new keys yesterday).
With an unfinished time word (this week, this month, today):
I‘ve seen Richard this week.
With a finished time word (last week, last month, yesterday):
I saw Richard last week.

Past Simple Vs Present Perfect: exercises


Complete the sentences by using either the present perfect or past simple tense.

e.g. I _______ (visit) my grandmother yesterday.

I visited my grandmother yesterday.

Sandra ______ (travel) abroad several times.

Sandra has travelled abroad several times.

A: Did you like did the movie ”Star Wars”?

B: I don’t know. I __________________ (see, never) that movie.

Sam __________ (arrive) in San Diego a week ago.

My best friend and I ____________ (know) each other for over fifteen years.

Stinson is a fantastic writer. He __________ (write) ten very creative short stories in the last year. One day, he’ll be as famous as Hemingway.

I _________ (have, not) so much fun since I _______ (be) a kid.

Things _____________ (change) a great deal at Coltech Inc. When we first ___________ (start) working here three years ago, the company ____________ (have, only) six employees. Since then, we __________ (expand) to include more than 2000 full-time workers.

Listen Ann, I don’t care if you _________________ (miss) the bus this morning. You __________ (be) late to work too many times.  You are fired.

In the last hundred years, travelling __________ (become) much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century it ________ (take) two or three months to  cross North America by covered wagon.

This tree __________ (plant) by the settlers who __________ (found) our city over four hundred years ago.

I ___________ (visit, never) Africa, but I ___________ (travel) to South America several times. The last time I __________ (go) to South America I __________ (visit) Brazil and Peru. I _________ (spend) 3 months there.

Cyril and Charles _________ (have) an aunt who left them a huge amount of money in her will 6 years ago. They ___________ (travel) around the world together 3 times since then!

Melissa ___________ (have) an argument with her boyfriend. They still aren’t speaking to each other.

Several times last week I ____________(hear) people talking about filling in their tax return forms. Even though I __________(do) it many times before, I still get confused!


Put the verb in the correct form, present perfect (I have done) or past simple (I did)

e.g.  I’ve drunk  ten cups of coffee today.

       I drank ten cups of coffee yesterday

Marion ………………………………….(buy) a new handbag last evening.

I…………………………………(lose) my key. I can’t find it anywhere.

The motorbike looks very clean. ……………………………………(you/wash) it?

Why …………………………………(Tom/not(come) to our party yesterday?

Jim and Lucy are married. They………………………………(be) married for 30 years.

The weather……………………………………(be) in the last few days, don’t you think ?

Your hair is short……………………………………(have) a haircut?

Tina lives in Italy. She ………………………………(live) there all her life.

She doesn’t know your sister. She………………………………(never/meet) her.

I…………………………(be) ill several times last winter.  


Answer the following questions using the words in brackets

e.g.  When did you last play tennis (for three months)

I haven’t played tennis for three  months

1. When did it last snow? (for ages)   


2.When did I last come here?  (since Monday)   


3.When did you last play rugby? (for two years)   


4.When did you last drink Moscato? (for a long time)  


5.When did you last study? (since last Winter)   

I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Complete the sentences by writing the correct form of the verb .

Earn      buy      cost        meet          have           be           sell        lose        break

e.g. I went to Manchester yesterday .

My flat ________________ £50.000 in 1976.

Last winter they __________ so much money that they _______a boat.

The weather _____________very fine in the last few weeks.

Tom ________________ all his paintings today.

I can’t find my glasses. I__________ them.

I____________ my leg.

When _________ you _______ it ?

It is the first time  she ____________ her boss outside the office.

(you/have) ________________a holiday this year?


Complete the following questions  by using the correct form of the verb in bracket.

e.g.     Have you ever been to Scotland ?

_________ she ____________ doing the cleaning yet ?  (finish)

_________ they ___________their grandparents last summer ?  (visit)

 _________ you ever _________ to the USA ? (be)

When _________ he last _________  his brother ? (meet)

What _________ the weather like in Rome last month ?


Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple

How long _____________ Paul _______________  in Germany? Since 1970. (to live)

What time ___________ you ______________  work yesterday? (to finish)

This morning I ___________ up at 7:30. I ______________ , __________ and then I ____________ breakfast. (to get/to wash/to dress/to have)

“____________ you _____________ Elisabeth recently?” “No, I haven’t” (to see)

Bob ________________ his keys. He can’t find them now. (to lose)

Gina and Alexander ________________ home twenty minutes ago. (to go)

Where _____________ you _____________ on holiday last year? (to go)

I ____________________ with my husband in Singapore for five years. I really enjoyed living there.(to live)

“How long ________ he __________ in Edinburgh?” “He ________________ in Edinburgh for two years now.” (to be/to be)

The children ___________________ TV yesterday. (not watch)

The weather ____________ good yesterday so we ___________________ football. (not be/not play)

“_____________ you ever _____________ a horse?” “Yes, I have.” (to ride)

“I can’t find Jenny. Where ____________ she ________________?” (to go)

Once upon a time there ___________ a beautiful princess who ___________ in a beautiful castle… (to be/to live)

When I ____________there, the meeting had already started.

Robert’s father _______________ two years ago. (to die)

This is the second time I ______________________ him sing. (to hear)

“_____________ you already ______________ ?” “Yes, I’m ready to leave.” (to pack up)

________________ you _______________ Linda this week? (to see)

There __________________ fireworks at Edinburgh Castle last night. (to be)


Complete the following sentences using the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

___________ you ever __________ (eat) Indian food? It’s really spicy.  

___________ you _________ (see) Georgina? She looks so different. She ______________ (cut) her hair?

I ___________ (visit) Spain five times last year for work.

I ___________ (visit) Spain five times.

They ____________ (not/work) in that company for over three years

Fred _________  (be) always late for work until the company decided to give him a written warning.

She _______________ (never/be) late for work since she __________ (start) in this company.

_________  we __________ (manage) to finish the report in time?   

They still _____________ (not/phone) to tell us the news.

When _____________ they ___________ (arrive) at the airport?

How long __________ you ____________ (wait) for him yesterday?

__________ you ____________ (live) here long?

I _____________ (not/have) my driving license for long. I ____ just _________ (pass) my test.

How long _______ you _________ (have) your license?

I ____________ (go) to the cinema three times this week.

Where’s Hilda? She _________ (go) on holiday. She’ll be back in two weeks.

___________ you __________ (see) George lately? He’s so brown. He __________ (be) on holiday to Greece.

Today I __________ (be) to six different places in town and it’s only 13.00. What a busy day!!

She __________ (have) breakfast four hours ago.

They _________ only just __________ (have) breakfast and they’re already hungry.

We ____________ (not/finish) _________ our homework yet.

The last time I _________ (go) to the cinema __________ (be) two months ago.

Look at my finger! I __________ just __________ (cut) it.

How many letters __________ you _____________ (send) yesterday.

(It’s 11.00 am) This morning, I __________ (phone) lots of clients but I _________ (not/can) to sell anything. What a terrible day!



Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets

  “I ____________________ (WRITE) Christmas cards all morning.”

  “Oh, really? How many ____________________ (WRITE)?”

  “________________________ (YOU/EVER/BE) to Paris?”

  “Yes, I __________________ (GO) last year with my friend Jane.”

   How long ______________________ (SARAH/STUDY) English?

  Last year I __________________ (GO) on holiday to Tunisia.

  Sorry I’m late. __________________ (YOU/WAIT) long?

  Mum, can you please take me to hospital?  I _________________ (CUT) my   finger and it won’t stop bleeding.

  My brother _____________________ (BREAK) his knee while he was playing football last year. It took him six months to recover.

  “You look very nice. __________________ (YOU/HAVE) your hair cut?

  I _________________________ (RUN) in the park for one hour without   stopping. I’m exhausted!

  [At 11 am]  I ___________________ (NOT/HAVE) any breakfast this morning. I’ll pop in the bar for a quick cup of coffee.

  It was such a busy day yesterday! I ___________________(NOT/EVEN/HAVE) time to eat…

  Charles Dickens  ___________________ (WRITE) Great Expectations.

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