Complex Future Forms. English ESL Worksheets. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF

Complex Future Forms

Complex Future Forms

The future simple tense is often used in the main clause of complex sentences that refer to future time and contain clauses of condition, time or purpose. In the subordinate clause (starting with if, when, as soon as, after, before, the moment etc.), we usually use a present tense:

If you have completed the course, you will receive a certificate. (condition)
As soon as I hear anything, I will let you know. (time)
I’m taking a book with me so that I’ll have something to read on the train. (purpose)

The Future Tenses

Complex Future Forms



Complete the following sentences using one of the following structures:

As soon as/once     Until/before   While/after  Provided that   On condition that


I am very busy but I will help you as soon as I can.

I won’t go home until I’ve finished the report.

I won’t be able to do my homework while the children are here.

I’m going to buy a car, provided that I have enough money.

I’ll help you with the project, on condition that you buy me dinner.

  1. I will telephone you as soon as…
  2. I’ll cook your dinner, on condition that …
  3. I will go shopping …
  4. I will watch TV before…
  5. I’m going to book a holiday, provided that
  6. I have an exam on Friday, I won’t meet my friends until …
  7. I will only go home after (to finish the report)…
  8. I will have a shower before…
  9. I will get a new car…
  10. I won’t be able to play golf (to rain)…
  11. I will type the report before…
  12. I won’t sleep until after (my neighbour/stop playing/violin) …
  13. I’ll go to the mountains this weekend, provided that…
  14. I will buy the CD as soon as…
  15. My mother is still at work, we won’t eat until…
  16. I’ll let you go to the disco, on condition that…
  17. I won’t be able to drive the car (roads/icy) …
  18. I will only give him the car after (he/to pay/me) …
  19. I won’t be able to use the computer (no electricity)…
  20. I won’t get a job until…
  21. I’ll buy you a car, on condition that…
  22. I will meet my friends…
  23. I’ll get a promotion, provided that…
  24. I will buy a car as soon as …
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