Phrasal verbs with Get. Common English phrasal verbs. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF.
Phrasal verbs with get
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Phrasal verbs with get
Phrasal verbs are two or more words that together act as a completely new word, with a meaning separate from the original words. For example, pick up means to “grab” or “lift,” very different from the definitions of pick and up alone. Popular in spoken English, phrasal verbs can be quite confusing because their definitions aren’t always easy to guess—and there are thousands of them. In fact, many phrasal verbs are distinct variations on the same base verb, which can add to the confusion.
What is a phrasal verb?
A phrasal verb combines a normal verb with an adverb or a preposition to create an entirely new verbal phrase—the phrasal verb. The meaning of a phrasal verb is usually unrelated to the meanings of the words that comprise it, so think of a phrasal verb as an entirely new and independent word.

Phrasal verbs with get
Choose the correct phrasal verb from the box to complete the sentences
Get away get back get in get on get over get through get down to Get round someone get away with get up to |
e.g. She’s finding it hard to get over the fact that her husband left her for another man.
- If we don’t some serious studying, we’ll have no chance of passing the exams.
- Due to his convincing alibi, he ______________ the crime.
- She finds it extremely difficult _______________ with her boss these days.
- The car suddenly stopped and the robber shouted “___________” and they drove off as fast as they could.
- Convincing them was really hard but eventually he ________________ and they gave him a rise.
- He didn’t understand a thing so ______________ to him was almost impossible.
- They’ve been in the bedroom for six hours now. What do you think they are _________________?.
- Why don’t we ______________ this weekend and go the beach?.
- She had better ___________ to the office before the boss realises she’s been on a coffee break for the last three hours.
Match the verb on the right with the corresponding phrasal verb.
Get back escape
Get down to have a good relationship
Get away with convince
Get on do something mischievous
Get in make someone understand
Get round someone return
Get through to do something and not be penalised
Get up to enter
Get away start


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