L’italiano all’università 1. Italian course for universities and language institutes (A1-B2).

L’italiano all’università (Italian at University)

Italian course for universities and language institutes. (A1-B2)

Aimed at students in Italy and abroad studying the Italian language at university or preparing to study in Italy. This volume follows a communicative approach, and the grammatical structures are introduced in an inductive manner. 

The language course is integrated by digital materials and includes:

  • L’italiano all’università 1 – livello elementare (elementary level) (A1-A2)
  • L’italiano all’università 2 – livello intermedio (intermediate level) (B1-B2)

Each volume includes a Student’s Book and an Exercise Book (+ audio CD)

L’italiano all’università 1 (+ CD audio)

Corso di italiano per università e istituti di lingua. Livello elementare (A1-A2).

L’italiano all’università 1 offre:

  • 12 unità didattiche, divise in sezioni disegnate per attivare la motivazione degli studenti e per presentare, espandere e reimpiegare il lessico e la grammatica;
  • testi e box infornativi per lo sviluppo della competenza socioculturale e interculturale;
  • mappa semantica per lo sviluppo della competenza lessicale e attività sulla fonetica;
  • schematizzazione dei contenuti grammaticali e comunicativi;
  • test di verifica e schede di autovalutazione;
  • Quaderno degli esercizi in versione interattiva sulla piattaforma i-d-e-e.it.

Il Glossario interattivo, in 5 lingue, è disponibile su Google Play e su App Store.

L’italiano all’università 1 for English speakers (+ CD audio)
A multimedia Italian course – Beginners-Elementary

L’italiano all’università 1 offers:

  • 12 didactic units, divided into sections designed to activate students’ motivation, to present, expand and re-employ vocabulary and grammar; 
  • texts and informative boxes to develop sociocultural and intercultural skills;
  • semantic map to develop vocabulary skills and phonetic activities;
  • schematisation of grammar and communication contents;
  • all activities and grammar syntheses to be handed in in English;
  • Italian-English glossary;
  • tests and self-evaluation files;
  • interactive Exercise Book on the  i-d-e-e.

L’italiano all’università für deutschsprachige Lerner (+ CD audio) (Italian at University for German Speakers)
Italienischkurs für Universität und Sprachinstitute (A1-A2)

L’italiano all’università 1 für deutschsprachige Lerner offre:

  • 12 didactic units, divided into sections designed to activate students’ motivation, to present, expand and re-employ vocabulary and grammar; 
  • texts and informative boxes to develop sociocultural and intercultural skills;
  • semantic map to develop vocabulary skills and phonetic activities;
  • schematisation of grammar and communication contents;
  • all activities and grammar syntheses to be handed in in German;
  • German-English glossary;
  • tests and self-evaluation files;
  • interactive Exercise Book on the  i-d-e-e platform.



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