Five things to do in Venice

a Simple Past Revision. Five things to do in Venice. A complete lesson to review the simple past with a reading comprehension, grammar rules and exercises.

A Simple Past Revision. Five things to do in Venice


This lesson can be used on all ages of beginner to elementary students.


The aim of this lesson is to review the simple past.


First print the activity sheets. Photocopy them for each student in the class.


After going through your regular review and teacher talk, tell the students that they’re going to review the simple past.

Go through the activity sheets together.

  1. Read the blog post about Venice. Then choose the correct paragraph
  2. Read the text again. Choose True or False
  3. Grammar Revision: the past simple
  4. Match the questions and answers
  5. Put the words in the correct order.
  6. Match the verbs with the same vowel sounds
  7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list
  8. Match the words in the list to other words with the same vowel sound.

Piazza San Marco
This is the most famous tourist attraction in Venice and one of the most
famous squares in the world. If you visit in the evening, you can have a
drink, listen to jazz and classical music playing outside, and watch the
people of Venice. But be prepared – it’s always crowded.

Take the vaporetto (or water bus) down the Grand Canal for a unique
experience. You can travel all the way down the canal and take
amazing photographs of the beautiful buildings. The best time to go is just before sunset, but it’s sometimes cold, so take a sweater or a jacket…

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All downloads are in PDF Format


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