A Wizard's Book of Potion

A Wizard’s Book of Potion – English for Children. A complete lesson for children to practice listening, vocabulary and speaking with a fun magic game.

A Wizard’s Book of Potion – English for Children

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This lesson can be used on all ages from 7 to 12 and from elementary to intermediate students.


The aim of this lesson is to practice speaking, vocabulary and listening playing a fun game.


First print the activity sheet and activity cards. Photocopy one activity sheet for each student in the class, and make one set of cards for each group of four or five students.  It works well if you paste the card sheet on to cardboard and then cut out the cards.


After going through your regular review and teacher talk.  Tell the students that you’ll make a Secret Potion Book with spells and games.

  1. Give the students the Potion Book Cover
  2. Read the Listening Test and ask the Students to answer the questions on the Listening Comprehension Sheet.
  3. Go through their answers
  4. Give each student the Listening Test Sheet and go through difficult words together
  5. Hand out the Potions Wizards Potion 1 and 2 Crossword and ask them to complete it in order to find out what those potions can do. You can also make it a group game and divide the class into pairs/group and hand out each team one sheet. The one who finishes first an find the secret potion wins.

Group Activity: “Spell” Game

Break the students up into groups six. Hand each student a different Spell Activity and 6 Spell Sheets each. Ask them to read to the group their Spell while the others takes notes on their Spell Sheets.

Students can use the Wizards Cards to show their Spells.

Writing Activity

Finally, give each student a Writing Sheet and ask them to write 2 texts according to the instructions given. You can use this activity also as a homework.

Wrap Up

The students break up their groups and come together as a class again. Quickly, try the routine as a class without letting the students look at their sheets.  

All downloads are in PDF format


Click here for more activities for children

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