ADJECTIVES ENDING IN “IC” OR “ICAL”. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF. English ESL Worksheets


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Many adjectives end in either ‘-ic’ or ‘-ical’.

Examples of Adjectives Ending In ‘-ic’
  • athletic
  • energetic
  • prophetic
  • scientific

Examples of Adjectives Ending In ‘-ical’:
  • magical
  • diabolical
  • cynical
  • musical


Add “IC” or “ICAL” to form the following adjectives.

e.g.   Is he a chem… or mechan… engineer?

     Is he a chemical or mechanical engineer?

  1. This is a fantast……… movie.
  2. You need a rad……… change in your life.
  3. This book tells about Emma Bovary’s life: a trag……… story.
  4. There are grammat………  and lex……… mistakes in your essay.
  5. “Macbeth” is a dramat……… piece of theatre.
  6. Don’t be so cyn………!
  7. The academ……… year starts in September and ends in June.
  8. Have you written the crit……… review of Julia Robert’s last movie?
  9. Smoking is not allowed in here: this is a publ……… place.
  10. Do you like class……… music?
  11. This is a class……… Italian expression.
  12. Southern countries have econom……… problems.
  13. My car is really econom……….
  14. Walter Scott wrote histor……… novels.
  15. Rossella O’Hara’s words:” Tomorrow is another day” have become histor………


With the words used in the previous exercise, write as many variations as you know for each one.

E.g 1. Fantasy Fantastic

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