At a hotel- Worksheets on Vocabulary. Vocabulary ESL picture dictionary worksheets. Free printable PDF
At a hotel – Worksheets on Vocabulary
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Vocabulary ESL picture dictionary worksheet
Esl vocabulary worksheets with pictures to learn English with fun.
According to science, our brain is mainly an image processor, not a word processor. This is proof of the fact that visual learning is much more effective than any other learning methods. Hence, when you learn English vocabulary through pictures, it’s easier to understand and remember. You will have a lot of fun and feel no pressure with your learning process.
Using pictures as visual aids.
Images Can Help You Retain Vocabulary
Suppose you are listening to a program in English and hear the word “borrow.” You have heard this word many times but forget its meaning. So, you look up the equivalent word in your own language. Ahh, yes, now you remember! A few days later, you see the word again, but again cannot remember its meaning. Why?
It is easy to blame yourself or think, “I have a terrible memory!” But your memory is not the problem.
The problem is that translating a word to its equivalent word in your language is not an effective way to learn vocabulary. This is because it does not create strong connections in the brain, something critical for remembering information.
To really learn words, you have to bring attention to them and connect them with mental images or your existing knowledge. This helps your brain recall words quickly and easily when you need them.
A picture paints a thousand words and pictures are a great way of improving your English, especially if you are a visual learner. So you can use these picture dictionary worksheets to learn new vocabulary.

All downloads are in PDF format

All downloads are in PDF format