ESL Video – Can You Understand These People? A video lesson to practice listening skills on various topics for beginners.
Can You Understand These People?
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With these videos you can practice your listening skills in various context and with different accents.
Developing listening comprehension skill helps learners to succeed in language learning to enhance comprehensible input. Since learners’ self-reliance in listening comprehension will be increased, they will be motivated to have access to spoken English such as conversations with native speakers.
Listening comprehension is an important receptive skill and also a useful preparation for listening in real life.
Listening is the activity in which students concentrate and trying to obtain meaning from something they can hear. To listen successfully to spoken language, we should understand what speakers mean when they use some words in particular ways on especial occasions, and not simply to understand the words themselves.
The result of language learning depends on the learner’s listening skills.

Listen to the video n. 1

Listen to the video n. 2

Listen to the video n. 3

Listen to the video n. 4

Listen to the video n. 5

Listen to the video n. 6
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