Christmas Lesson for Young Learners

Christmas Lesson for Young Learners

Activity Breakdown:

Warm-Up (10 minutes): Jingle Bells Round Begin the session by introducing the classic holiday tune, “Jingle Bells.” Engage the students in a musical challenge by attempting a “round.” Half of the class starts singing the song, while the other half begins from the beginning. This not only creates a fun and dynamic atmosphere but also challenges the students to focus on their singing in a unique way.

Lead-in (5 minutes): When and Where? Prompt the students with questions about when they typically sing the song. If met with blank stares, humorously inquire about singing it on Halloween. Guide them to the realization that the song is, indeed, a Christmas classic. Further engage the class by initiating a board race, encouraging them to list items associated with Christmas, such as lights, trees, and presents.

Vocabulary and Practice (7 minutes): Festive Terms Introduce key Christmas vocabulary, including “tree,” “gifts” (or “presents”), “reindeer,” “stocking,” “ornaments,” and “sleigh.” Initially, focus on pronunciation, then enhance understanding through a “slow reveal” game where students shout out the words as associated pictures are gradually revealed. Reinforce learning by having students draw lines connecting words to corresponding pictures on the board.

Communication and Collaboration (12 minutes): Guess the Vocab Game Conduct an interactive “Guess the Vocab” game, demonstrating first with a Vietnamese (VN) teacher. Stand back-to-back, draw a vocab word without the partner seeing, and have the partner guess. Students respond with “Yes it is” or “No it isn’t.” After several rounds, instruct pairs to play independently using mini boards. For added challenge, incorporate questions like “Did you draw a…?” with responses “Yes, I did” or “No, I didn’t.”

Focused Practice (15 minutes): Create a Christmas Scene Distribute paper to students and instruct them to draw a Christmas tree and five presents. On the board, write prompts like “Draw 1 ________ next to the ______.” Encourage students to guide each other in creating festive scenes, fostering communication. While they color, circulate to check pronunciation and reinforce vocabulary.

This well-rounded lesson combines music, interaction, vocabulary building, and creative expression, ensuring an engaging and festive learning experience for your ESL class.

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