COLOUR CALL – Communication Activity

Fostering Fluent Communication: Vibrant Activities for ESL Classrooms Across Grade Levels

Effective communication is a cornerstone of language acquisition, and in our journey together, we’ll delve into creative and interactive strategies crafted to amplify spoken language skills. Whether you’re a dedicated educator seeking fresh ideas to enliven your ESL classroom or a student eager to refine your English communication abilities, this post serves as your guide to fostering effective verbal expression through innovative activities.

From lively games and role-playing exercises tailored for elementary learners to nuanced discussions and real-world communication scenarios for junior high and senior high school students, our curated activities cater to the diverse needs of ESL classrooms. Get ready to infuse energy into your language lessons and witness the transformative power of engaging communication activities that transcend traditional language instruction.

So, let’s dive into this exploration of language and communication together, unraveling a tapestry of activities that will inspire and elevate language skills across different age groups. Whether you’re at the beginning of your language-learning journey or seeking advanced strategies, this blog post has something for everyone.



Have the class stand in a circle. With a beanbag in hand, call out a colour and toss it to a student at the same time. That student must catch it and call out something of that colour. The student then tosses the beanbag to another and calls out a colour, and so on.
Example: player 1: Blue! (tosses the beanbag)
player 2: Sky! (〃 〃 〃)… Green!
player 3: Grass! (〃 〃 〃)… Red!
player 4: Tomato! (〃 〃 〃)…


Colours may be repeated, but the answers should be different. In a large class this could be played in teams. Have each team stand facing each other instead of using a beanbag


Beanbag or some other small tossing object.


This can be played by eliminating each student who repeats a word, gives a wrong answer, or no answer. This is perhaps good only for “keen” students. Be careful, as some students may pick on the weak students.

Also check out these communication activities

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