Conversation Club. Stereotypes – Being a Good Wife and a Good Husband with free printable PDF Worksheet
Conversation Club

Conversation Club
Improving conversation skills and vocabulary through discussion on gender roles and responsibilities.
Enhance conversation skills and vocabulary by discussing traditional and modern views on being a good wife and husband.
- Introductions: Begin by introducing yourself and having students introduce themselves to each other.
- Topic Introduction: Briefly explain today’s theme: the roles of a good wife and a good husband.
- Flashcard Activity: Distribute flashcards with statements related to stereotypes.
- Students read and discuss whether they agree or disagree with each statement.
- Workshop Discussion: Students answer the questions on the workshop sheet.
- Role-Playing Activity:
- Students act out a conversation between a husband and wife deciding how to share housework.
- Another role-play scenario involves a couple listing good qualities of husbands and wives.
Workshop Questions
- Do you agree with any of these ideas? Which ones do you think are right or wrong?
- How would you feel about these points of view if you were a husband or wife?
- Is it right that all women should stay at home, be mothers, and do the cooking? Why or why not?
- Would anything change if the wife worked outside the home every day?
- Why might a wife want her husband to take care of the children on the weekend?
- Should a husband do housework? How should a married couple share household responsibilities?
Being a Good Wife
(Students discuss and list qualities and responsibilities traditionally and in modern society.)
Being a Good Husband
(Students discuss and list qualities and responsibilities traditionally and in modern society.)
Encouraging open discussions about stereotypes helps develop communication skills and critical thinking. Students reflect on traditional roles and how they have evolved over time.