Crosswords phrasal verbs up

Crosswords for English Learners: Phrasal Verbs with UP. 3 Crosswords to learn and practice with fun the phrasal verbs with the preposition UP with solutions. Free eBook and PDF

Crosswords for English Learners: Phrasal Verbs with UP


Crosswords phrasal verbs up

Crosswords for English Learners: Phrasal Verbs with UP

Crossword 1


  • 1. I really have to ______ up on my sleep.
  • 3. It’s difficult for a single mother to ______ up three children.
  • 6. He wanted to _____ up his essay when he saw the F on top.
  • 7. Did you _____ up for the course yet?
  • 10. I was so sick I felt like I was going to _____ up.
  • 12. She decided to ______ up with her boyfriend.
  • 14. Why don’t you _____ up painting or tennis?


  • 2. This room is a mess! ______ it up.
  • 3. I decided to ______ up on my French before going to Paris.
  • 4. If it continues to be too difficult, he might _____ up.
  • 5. If you ____ up this opportunity, you may not get another chance.
  • 8. I ___ up at six every morning.
  • 9. If you don’t know what it means, _____ it up in the dictionary
  • 10. _____ up the radio. I can’t hear it.
  • 11. We had to _____ up to get tickets.
  • 13. If the children _____ up, put them to bed earlier

Crossword 2


  • 1. Did you _____ up for the course yet?
  • 2. I really have to ______ up on my sleep.
  • 5. If it continues to be too difficult, he might _____ up.
  • 6. We’ve been rehearsing for 6 hours. Let’s _____ it up.
  • 7. We had to _____ up to get tickets.
  • 8. It’s difficult for a single mother to _____ up three children.
  • 11. Why don’t you _____ up painting or tennis?
  • 13. ______ up the good work.
  • 14. I was so sick I felt like I was going to _____ up.


  • 1. If you ____ up late again, I won’t wait for you.
  • 3. This room is a mess! ______ it up.
  • 4. I wonder when the new restaurant will ____ up.
  • 7. If you don’t know what it means, _____ it up in the dictionary
  • 8. She decided to ______ up with her boyfriend.
  • 9. I ___ up at six every morning.
  • 10. When I ____ up, I want to be a scientist.
  • 12. If the children _____ up, put them to bed earlier.

Crossword 3


  • 2. This room is a mess! ______ it up.
  • 4. When I ____ up, I want to be a scientist.
  • 5. _____ up the radio. I can’t hear it.
  • 7. He wanted to ___ up his essay when he saw the F on top.
  • 9. I decided to _____ up on my French before going to Paris.
  • 10. Why don’t you _____ up painting or tennis?
  • 12. The boss has a tendency to _____ up and yell at employees for no reason.
  • 13. If it continues to be too difficult, he might _____ up.
  • 14. We’ve been rehearsing for 6 hours. Let’s _____ it up.


  • 1. Did you _____ up for the course yet?
  • 2. We usually _____ up shop at 6 P.M.
  • 3. I ___ up at six every morning.
  • 6. We had to _____ up to get tickets.
  • 7. I was so sick I felt like I was going to _____ up.
  • 8. If the children _____ up, put them to bed earlier.
  • 9. It’s difficult for a single mother to _____ up three children.
  • 11. ______ up the good work.

Crosswords Phrasal Verbs UP – Solutions

Crossword 1

Crossword 2

Crossword 3

Crosswords Phrasal Verbs UP

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