Object pronouns, reflexives and indefinite pronouns

Dutch Object pronouns, reflexives and indefinite pronouns. A worksheet on object pronouns, reflexives and indefinite pronouns in Dutch with grammar explanations and exercises

Object pronouns, reflexives and indefinite pronouns.


This lesson can be used for adults from elementary to intermediate levels.


The aim of this lesson is to learn the object pronouns, reflexives and indefinite pronounsin Dutch


First print out the worksheet, then copy a worksheet for each student in the class.


Go through the grammar and exercises together.

Collective indefinite pronouns

allesIndependent and singulareverything
iedereenIndependent and singulareveryone, anyone
alBefore articles and pronounall
alle[1] Before plural nouns and before uncountable singular nouns.
[2] Predicative (plural)
allenOnly to refer to persons.
[1] Independent (very formal)
[2] Predicative
all, everyone
[1] Before singular nouns
[2] Predicative
[3] Independent
[1] Before singular nouns
[2] Predicative
[3] Independent (formal)

Other indefinite pronouns

ietsIndependent and singularsomething
nietsIndependent and singularnothing
iemandIndependent and singularsomeone, anyone
niemandIndependent and singularnoone
beide1. Dependent (before a noun)
2. Independent, referring to things
both (of them)
beidenIndependent, referring to personsboth (of them)
allebeiPredicativeboth (of them)
allebei deDependent (before a noun)both (of them)
geen van beide1. Dependent (before a noun),
2. Independent, referring to things
neither (of them)
geen van beidenIndependent, referring to personsneither (of them)
menIndependent and singularone
sommigBefore singular het-nounssome, certain
sommige[1] Before singular de-nouns
[2] Before plural nouns
[3] Independent, referring to things (plural)
some, certain
sommigenIndependent, referring to persons (plural)some
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