Dutch Plural, Articles and Demonstratives. A worksheet on the plural, the definitive and indefinite articles and the demontratives.
Dutch Plural, Articles and Demonstratives.
For the plural noun Dutch can generally use two endings: -en or –s. The latter is identical to the English plural form. Most nouns can only take either -en or -s as their plural endings but there is a substantial group of nouns that can take both.
de lamp | de lampen | the lamp(s) |
de tafel | de tafels | the table(s) |
Apart from these, there are a few more endings that are less common: -eren and -a.
het kind | de kinderen | the child(ren) |
het museum | de musea | the museum(s) |
Definite articles
In Dutch there are two articles: ‘de’ and ‘het’.
. | de-nouns | het-nouns |
singular | de de man (the man) | het het huis (the house) |
plural | de de mannen (the men) | de de huizen (the houses) |
Indefinite article ‘een’
de-nouns | het-nouns | |
singular | een een man (a man) | een een huis (a house) |
plural | — mannen (men) | — huizen (houses) |
This lesson can be used for adults from elementary to intermediate levels.
The aim of this lesson is to learn the articles and the plural in Dutch
First print out the worksheet, then copy a worksheet for each student in the class.
Go through the grammar and exercises together.