English Esl Game: Sentence Machine. A free printable game to strengthen the knowledge of grammatical rules in the combination and formation of English sentences and to revise English verb tenses.
English Esl Game: Sentence Machine
Sentence Machine
Level: All levels
Age: Teenagers, Young Adults, Adults
Aims and Objectives: To strengthen the SS’s knowledge of grammatical rules in the combination and formation of English sentences. To revise English verb tenses.
Time: 30 minutes
Skills: Speaking and Writing
Colour packs of cards :
- – Green cards “+” for positive statements
- “-” for negative sentences
- “?” for asking questions
2.- Blue cards personal pronouns
3.- Yellow cards Verbs
4.- Red cards Tenses Present
P a s t F u t u r e M o d a l v e r b s
Procedure and Teacher’s notes
⌦ The Teacher places on his/her desk the four packs of cards distributed by colours. He/She explains to the SS that each pack includes something different:
The first, green pack includes 3 different symbols “+”,”-” and “?” which mean positive statements, negative sentences and questions. The Teacher can show the cards to the SS while explaining the symbols. The second, blue pack includes the Personal Pronouns. The third, yellow pack includes several verbs in infinitive. The fourth, red pack is made of verb tenses, either Present, Past, Future or Modal Verbs.
⌦ The class is now divided in four teams. In turns, each team will take four cards, one from each pack. Once they have the four cards, they will create sentences taking into account the cards they have. For example if they have these cards :
? You drive Past It means that they have to create a question in the past, using “You” as a subject and “drive” as the main verb. The sentence could be : Do You drive a red Porsche ? (Encourage your SS to make long sentences using their imagination !)
You have to take into consideration that there will be some card combinations that will generate ungrammatical sentences. If it is the case, the team can either invent a grammatical correct sentence, although meaningless, or just to change one of the cards (the yellow or the red one).
⌦ They can write their sentence on the blackboard to check if it is correct. The other teams can correct the sentence and keep the turn to create new sentences. If the sentence is right they will win a point which allows them to keep making sentences in the next round. If their sentence is incorrect they will miss a turn. The four teams keep generating new sentences during 30 minutes. Then the team with more points is the winner.
⌦ The teacher can select the yellow and red cards depending on the SS’s level or the focus of the lesson (just present tenses or just modal verbs…)

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