English Esl Music Games. Brainstormings, Games, Activities, Warmers and Fillers to learn and practice English Speaking
English Esl Music Games
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English Esl Music Games
English Esl Music Games with warmers and fillers designed to be short, designed to last no more than 10 minutes.
Here are 6 English Esl Music Games

Music – Gap fills
Give students a copy of the song with some words blanked out. In pairs, students listen to the song and fill in the missing words. You may have to play the song several times. The class can then sing the song together once it is completed.

Music – Karaoke
Blow up the lines from the song and cut up phrases onto card paper. Divide the class into two groups and give a few people in each group several cards with phrases (each group get a whole set of song cards). Play the song and the students holding the song phrases hold it up as they hear it. The rest of the group sings the phrases as they are being held up. The group which sings the song the best according to the cards is the winner.

Music – Ordering sentences or words
Cut up a song either by lines, phrases or individual words. In pairs or small groups, students listen and put the song in order. You may have to play the song several times. The class can sing the song together once it is ordered.

Music – Singing and dancing
This is very simple and easy to prep. Teach your students the song and put some actions to the lyrics. Practice singing and dancing. Younger students really like this activity and it helps them to remember the words if there are actions with them. But you can play it with any age or level, and remember most students will do anything you are willing to do.

Musical categories
Elicit some topics or general questions to the board e.g. ‘what’s your name?’ or favourite animal, worst fear, ideal job, etc. Place pairs of chairs (facing each other) around the room. Have students walk around while playing. When the music stops, students race to sit in a chair. The teacher shouts out a topic or question and the students must talk to their partner about it for 30 seconds. Continue to play and stop the music. If there is an odd number of students, have the last student standing choose the topic for discussion.

Musical jobs
Get all your students standing up and dancing or walking around the room while you play some music. Stop the music and shout out a job. Students have to mingle and talk to each other pretending to be that job. You may have to elicit some phrases or words that various people in different occupations use.

English Esl Music Games
English Esl Music Games. Also check out these English games and activities with music