English ESL Reading and Listening Comprehension: Scotland. A lesson to learn something more about Scotland and to practice reading and listening comprehension skills and to improve vocabulary.
English ESL Reading and Listening Comprehension: Scotland
This lesson can be used on all ages of beginning to intermediate students.
The aim of this lesson is to improve fluency and conversation talking in pairs about Scotland.
First print the activity sheet. Photocopy one activity sheet for each student in the class.
- Introduce yourself to the students and let them do the same if they do not know each other 1 minute
- Ice Breaker: Tell the students that you are going to talk about Scotland
- Go through glossary related to Scotland and read, first, the article aloud.
- Hand out the reading text, get the students to read it in turns. Go through difficult vocabulary with them.
- Hand out the “Questions sheet” . Students answer the questions in pairs.
- Ask the students to write a short passage about a place they visited and liked best. Each student will read his passage in front of the class.
Wrap Up
The students break up their groups and come together as a class again. Quickly, try the routine as a class without letting the students look at their sheets.
Ask the students to listen to the mp3 file and talk about the peculiar Scottish pronunciation.
All downloads are in PDF Format
Click here for more Reading Comprehensions.