English ESL Worksheets – NO MATTER. Worksheets on Vocabulary. Vocabulary Worksheets for ESL. Free eBook and Free printable PDF.
English ESL Worksheets – NO MATTER

English ESL Worksheets – NO MATTER
You say ‘no matter’ after you have just asked a question or mentioned an idea or doubt and you have decided that it is not really important, interesting, or worth discussing.
- ‘Didn’t you ever read the book?’ Keating shook his head. ‘Well, no matter.’.
- ‘Shoddy workmanship these days,’ he remarked. ‘No matter, it will still bear my weight.’
You use no matter in expressions such as ‘no matter how’ and ‘no matter what’ to say that something is true or happens in all circumstances.
- No matter what your age, you can lose weight by following this program.
- No matter how often they were urged, they could not bring themselves to join in.
- Jenkins would reward all investors, no matter when they made their investment.

English ESL Worksheets – NO MATTER
Re-write the following sentences using “no matter”.
e.g. Do it regardless of the consequences. No matter the consequences, do it.
- However many people come through that door, you must be polite to each and every one of them.
- We will complete this project regardless of the cost.
- However well it is done, there will always be some flaw.
- I’ll not change my mind, regardless of what you say.
- My heart will be with you wherever you go.
- You have to stay awake regardless of how tired you feel.
- Don’t trust him regardless of what he might say.
- Don’t let anyone get through that door regardless of who it is.
- We must stand strong however had the situation gets.
- Call me whenever you need me, regardless of the hour.
Write a sentence with the words below.
e.g. No matter No matter the weather, the match will go on.
- Regardless __________________________________________
- Whenever ___________________________________________
- No matter ___________________________________________
- Wherever ___________________________________________
- However ___________________________________________
- Providing ___________________________________________
- Whatever ___________________________________________
- Despite ___________________________________________
- Whoever ___________________________________________
- Unless ___________________________________________


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