English Numbers Games. Brainstormings, Games, Activities, Warmers and Fillers to learn and practice English Numbers
English Numbers Games
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English Numbers Games
English Numbers Games with warmers and fillers designed to be short, designed to last no more than 10 minutes.
Here are 5 English Numbers Games

Students must count but the one who says 21 loses and has to do a forfeit. Students sit in a circle and can say between 1-3 numbers then the next student continues. You can change some numbers for actions if you play a second game (e.g. instead of saying number 8 you must stand up and clap your hands).

First to 20
This can be done as a whole class or in smaller groups. Someone starts by saying ‘one’. Then another student must continue on counting consecutively to 20. No student can say two numbers in a row and if two students say a number at the same time, the group / class must start over. Getting to twenty is quite difficult and will be surprisingly challenging. Spice up the goal by rewarding the class / team if they can do it in a certain amount of time (this will also put more pressure on the students causing them to mess up more frequently).

Fizz – buzz
Students stand in a circle and begin counting off. When a student reaches ‘5’ he / she must say ‘fizz’ and when a student reaches ‘7’ he / she must say ‘buzz. Students continue counting until they reach of multiple of five or seven. At every multiple of five, students must say ‘fizz’ and every multiple of seven students must say ‘buzz’. If a student messes up he / she is out and can monitor the other students. For younger classes it may be helpful to write the numbers on the board indicating when the multiples land. This can also be played in smaller groups and the winners of each group have a finale count-off to determine the class winner.

Number draw race
Divide students into two or three teams. The student at the back of the line starts. Show the students at the back a number e.g. 87. The student runs to their line and ‘draws’ or ‘writes’ the number on the back of the student in front of them with their finger. When the student knows what the number is, he / she can write the number on the next students back. Continue down the line until the student at the front of the line knows the number and can shout it out or write it on the board. The first team to do so gets a point.

Over & under ball pass
Students stand in two lines. The first person in each line gets a soft ball. They start by saying number ‘1’ and pass the ball to the next person over their head. The next person grabs the ball and says number ‘2’ and passes it under his / her legs to the next person. The next person grabs the ball, says number ‘3’ and passes it over his / her head, and so on until it has reached the back of the line. The last student then must run to the front of the line and continue passing
the ball saying a number until the team reaches the goal e.g. 20. The first team to do so wins or gets a point. This can be done for sequencing too, e.g. counting by 2’s, 10’s, etc.

English Numbers Games
English Numbers Games. Also check out these English games and activities on numbers

English Numbers Games with warmers and fillers designed to be short