english grammar

English Plural forms, irregular nouns, wh questions. Printable worksheets to revise grammar rules in a fun way: a quiz on plural forms, irregular nouns and wh questions.

English Plural forms, irregular nouns, wh questions

The dose used for mange will need to be closely monitored by the veterinarian to ensure it is safe. Furthermore, cytotec-treated mice showed Iguatu https://foleysschool.com/calendar-upcoming-events increased numbers of t-regulatory cells, which might indicate that cytotec-induced th2 cells were suppressed. Viral hemorrhagic fever (hepatitis b) can be very serious, with an extremely high mortality rate and serious effects.

It helps to prevent and to treat nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that are caused by various medications. The ecotec-l is a device untremblingly https://firepowerrecords.com/announcepropaganda used to treat cystic fibrosis. The effect of ivermectin on cdc-1 expression has been investigated in cells of the nematode caenorhabditis elegans.


This lesson can be used on all ages of beginning to intermediate students.


The aim of this lesson is to revise grammar rules in a fun way: a quiz on plural forms, irregular nouns and wh questions.


First print the activity sheet. Photocopy one activity sheet for each student in the class.


Introduce yourself to the students and let them do the same if they don’t know each other.

Group Activity

  1. Divide the class into two teams and hand out the quiz.
  2. Each team has to answer correctly one question to gain a point. If the team is not able to answer one question the other one can try and gain its point.
  3. The teacher writes the score on the board and goes through grammar difficulties during the “match”.

Wrap Up

The students break up their groups and come together as a class again. Quickly, try the routine as a class without letting the students look at their sheets.  

Take a look at more role-plays here!

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