fruit and vegetables riddles

English PowerPoint games: Fruit and Vegetables Riddle. Free Editable Interactive Games for preschool and kindergarten

English PowerPoint games: Fruit and Vegetables Riddle

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English PowerPoint games: Fruit and Vegetables Riddle

We all know that our students do not learn the same way. They have different learning styles and they use different strategies to process new information. So we have to keep that in mind and always try to present the input to them in a variety of modes. PowerPoint can help you reach your goals. Used correctly this program can make input comprehensible, interesting, and engaging to students.

Practical reasons for using PowerPoint

  • Showing that you are always well prepared.
  • Avoid wasting time in writing on the blackboard. Writing on the blackboard is time-consuming and messy.
  • Provide students with more input and contents.
  • Overhead transparencies are faster and easier for students to read, but they are not dynamic and the use of nice colorful pictures is limited.
  • Protecting the environment, no need to use paper.
  • Avoid overusing the textbook that students often find boring.
  • PowerPoint presentations can be posted on a class website. Students can revisit material from home or in the library. Absent students can access the class presentation while home sick or the next day.
  • Website links can also be added to presentations.

Do not fall into incorrect use of PowerPoint  

Do not let your class become too  passive from incorrect use of PowerPoint. Always have students do something with the material to keep them engaged.

According to Sandra Rief (1993, p. 53.”)*, “Students retain 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they see and hear, 70% of what they  say, and 90% of what they say and do.”

This PowerPoint presentation can be a useful resource to teach English for preschool and kindergarten.

It contains:

  • Interactive games
  • PowerPoint Slideshare

PowerPoint Slideshare

All downloads are in PDF format
All downloads are in PDF format

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