Prepositions with monsters

English Prepositions with monsters. An activity to learn and practice the prepositions of place in English with funny flashcards

English Prepositions with monsters


This lesson can be used on all ages of elementary to intermediate students.


The aim of this lesson is to improve speaking and writing skills and practice the prepositions of place


First print the activity sheets and the flash cards. Photocopy one activity sheet for each student in the class, and make one set of cards for each group of four or five students.  It works well if you paste the card sheet on to cardboard and then cut out the cards.


After going through your regular review and teacher talk, tell the students that they’re going to play a game with the prepositions of place

Group Activity

Break the students up into groups of four or five. Ask each student to pick up a card and describe what they see to the other students. They can also first write down a short description and then read it to them (especially for elementary levels).

Individual Activity

Give each student a flash card and ask the students to look at the picture and write a sentence with the preposition on the card.

Wrap Up

The students break up their groups and come together as a class again. Quickly, try the routine as a class. Then ask the students to read out loud what they have written in the second activity sheet.

NOTE: For Advanced Levels you can ask the students to write a story for each flashcard.

Right click on each image to download the pictures or download the pdf below

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