ESL Lesson Plan Templates. A collection of FREE ESL worksheets on many different topics for English language teachers.
ESL Lesson Plan Templates
The following templates are meant to help teachers generate ideas of their own. As every classroom may differ in level, age, and culture, these are not necessarily for use in every classroom, but are intended to demonstrate common material.
Included in this section is a sample one-week planning guide that follows the activities included herein. New teachers are encouraged to make copies of this planning guide and follow it in their classroom preparation. The guide can help remind teachers in a whole language classroom to do the following:
- 1. Keep a balance of reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities.
- 2. Keep a log that demonstrates the use of proper warm-ups, instruction, controlled (guided) practices, and less controlled (independent) practices.
- 3. Keep a convenient record of materials that will be used in the next classes.
- 4. Keep track of homework, the collection of journals or logs, and so forth.
This lesson plan is not meant to replace any school mandated lesson plan structure that a teacher might use, but rather demonstrates what a lesson plan might have. The use of the one-week lesson plan versus a one-day lesson plan is for convenience only.

ESL Lesson Plan Templates
All downloads are in PDF format
Balanced and Integrated Lesson Guide

Cloze Passage

How to Make a Group


Reader’s Outline

Character Map


Rank Order Exercise


Venn Diagram

Draw a Picture

Value Lines

More Than Name Tags

Find Someone Who…

Sentence Starters