Exciting Writing Prompts for Second Graders with Free Lesson Plan and Free Downloadable eBook.

Exciting Writing Prompts

Exciting Writing Prompts


Students will enhance their creative writing skills through engaging and fun writing prompts, allowing them to express their imaginations and develop their storytelling abilities.

Target Audience

Grade Level: Second Grade


3-4 class periods (30-45 minutes each)


  1. Whiteboard or chalkboard with markers or chalk.
  2. Writing supplies (pencils, erasers, crayons, colored pencils).
  3. Individual copies of the “Exciting Writing Prompts” worksheet (one for each student).
  4. Access to computers or tablets (optional) for downloading the eBook.

Introduction (10 minutes)

  1. Begin the lesson by asking the students about their favorite stories or characters. Discuss what makes those stories exciting and enjoyable to read.
  2. Explain that today’s lesson will focus on creative writing, where they will have the opportunity to come up with their own exciting stories using writing prompts.

Instruction (15 minutes)

  1. Introduce the concept of writing prompts to the students. Explain that a writing prompt is a starting point or a topic that helps them generate ideas for their stories.
  2. Show some examples of exciting writing prompts on the board or through visual aids. For instance:
    • “You discover a hidden treasure chest in your backyard. Describe what’s inside and what happens next.”
    • “Imagine you have a magic carpet. Where would you go? What adventures would you have?”
    • “You wake up one morning with the ability to fly. Write about your day as a flying superhero.”
  3. Discuss the elements of a good story, such as a clear beginning, middle, and end, and engaging characters.

Activity (20 minutes)

  1. Distribute the “Exciting Writing Prompts” worksheet to each student.
  2. Let the students choose a writing prompt that interests them the most.
  3. Allow them time to brainstorm ideas and plan their stories before they start writing.
  4. Encourage creativity and imagination, and remind them to include descriptive details to make their stories exciting and interesting.
  5. For students who finish early, encourage them to illustrate their stories to complement their writing.

Conclusion (5 minutes)

  1. Give students the opportunity to share their exciting stories with their peers. This can be done through a read-aloud session or by forming small groups for sharing.
  2. Celebrate the students’ creativity and effort in developing their stories.
  3. Mention that creative writing is an ongoing skill they can practice regularly, and they can find more exciting writing prompts in the downloadable eBook.

Exciting Writing Prompts: Free Downloadable eBook (Optional):

Provide access to the free downloadable eBook containing a collection of exciting writing prompts for the students to use at home or during free writing time in the classroom.Encourage students to explore the eBook and choose different prompts to keep their creativity flowing



  1. Assess the students’ writing based on their ability to develop an engaging and imaginative story using the provided writing prompts.
  2. Evaluate their use of descriptive language, creative ideas, and organization of the story’s structure (beginning, middle, and end).
  3. Offer constructive feedback to help students further improve their writing skills.

Note: Make the lesson enjoyable and supportive to inspire confidence in the students’ creative abilities. Adjust the difficulty level of the writing prompts based on the students’ writing proficiency. Encourage active participation and creativity throughout the lesson.

For additional practice, be sure to explore this website. Simply click the link below.

For additional resources on creative writing, also check out these posts

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