Expressing how you feel in English. Worksheets on Vocabulary. Vocabulary Worksheets for ESL. Free eBook and Free printable PDF.

Expressing how you feel in English



Use the following words to describe how someone might feel:  anger, rage, relief, shock, stupefaction.  Use them once.

e.g. You find your house burgled. anger

  1. Your car is stolen and the thieves have an accident with it.  _____________
  2. A person is killed in an accident right before your eyes. ________________
  3. You open the door to find a person you have never seen before claiming to be your son. ________________
  4. Your business associate swindles you and you are left with all the debts while he flees to a warm, Latin  American country. ________________
  5. Your child has been missing and the police phone you to say he’s been found safe and sound. ________________


Using the vocabulary you have been learning concerning how you might feel, write down how you would feel and act and what you would say in the following situations….

e.g. Your boss fires you for something you didn’t do.  

I would feel very indignant.  I would tell him that I hadn’t done it and I would demand a fair hearing.  I might threaten to go to a lawyer.  I would tell him to give me my job back and find the real culprit. If everything failed, I would cry and probably feel violent rage at the same time. I would contemplate shooting my boss and bombing the company!

  • Your teenage son has been warned that he must be in the house by 11:30 on weekday nights.  It’s a Wednesday night and it’s now 1:30 a.m. Your child stumbles in the door drunk and attempts to walk straight past you to his room.
  • You have been out for a drive on a Sunday afternoon with your partner. Suddenly a car comes flying around the corner on the wrong side of the road.  It is impossible to avoid collision.  Your car is completely destroyed and the other driver refuses to admit responsibility. In fact, he puts the blame on you
  • Your friend confides in you that she has been stealing money from you over a period of six months for her drug habit.  A problem that you had no idea about.
  • A person you have never met before comes up to you and hands you a big wad of cash.  He explains that this money is for you on the condition that you do a very simple job for him.  He wants you to drive his car to the border where you will meet another car.  The person in that car will deliver another sum of money to you upon safe arrival.
  • The most beautiful woman/handsome man you have ever met comes up to you and asks you to marry him/her.


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