Expressing Likes and Dislikes: A Fun ESL Lesson


I like… I don’t like…

  • Present tense
  • Contractions (do not = don’t)

To introduce new vocabulary to allow students to express likes and dislikesTo improve students’ memory of new vocabulary via memory gamesTo improve students’ confidence and pronunciationTo introduce simple present tense and contractions

  • 15 mins – Warmer/Vocab
  • 15 mins – Practice
  • 10 mins – Production
  • 10 mins – Cooler

Activity: Memory Game with Flashcards

  1. Setup: Stick flashcards with new vocabulary to the board in random order, showing the pictures.
  2. Introduction: Introduce each new vocabulary word as you stick it to the board.
  3. Memory Challenge: Tell students to memorize the position of each flashcard.
  4. Game:
    • Turn the flashcards over so students can only see the backs.
    • Split the class into two teams.
    • One student from each team takes turns trying to match the vocab word I call out by flipping the correct flashcard.
    • If correct, the card stays flipped, and the team gets a point.
    • If incorrect, no point is awarded, and the turn passes to the other team.
    • The rest of the class can help their teammate by shouting out which card to turn over.
  5. Winning: The team with the most points when all cards are flipped wins.

Presentation (15 mins)

  1. Review Vocab: Quickly go through vocabulary words again.
  2. Categorize: Arrange words into two categories on the board: likes and dislikes.

Vocab Words:

  • Zombies
  • Sick
  • Spiders
  • Snakes
  • Homework
  • Bullies
  • Music
  • Drums
  • Skateboarding
  • Shopping
  • Make-up
  • Singing
  • Computer games

Practice (15 mins)


  • Write on the board:
    • “What do you like?” “I like…”
    • “What don’t you like?” (explain do not = don’t) “I don’t like…”
  • Write a “+” and the words/phrases “playing,” “putting on,” “going,” “listening to,” “doing.”
  • Indicate that they choose a vocab word.


  • Go around the room and ask random students what they like and don’t like.
  • Have the students ask each other the same questions.

Production (10 mins)

  1. Drawing and Writing: Have students copy down and draw pictures of the new vocabulary words in their books.

Cooler (10 mins)

Activity: Pictionary

  • Use the new vocabulary words for a game of Pictionary to reinforce learning.

Planning Elements

Materials and Aid: Flashcards, cue prompts

Presumed Knowledge: Basic understanding of the verb “to need.”

Anticipated Problems and Solutions:

  • Lack of Confidence: Give praise to encourage participation.
  • Pronunciation: Correct throughout the class using stronger students as examples.

Expressing Likes and Dislikes: Conclusion

By engaging in interactive activities like memory games and Pictionary, students will have fun while learning to express their likes and dislikes using the present tense and contractions. This lesson plan is designed to build vocabulary, improve memory, and boost confidence in speaking English.

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