EXTREME ADJECTIVES. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF. English ESL Worksheets



Extreme adjectives are words that give extra emphasis to the subject they describe: For example, “funny” is a normal adjective expressing that something makes us laugh, but “hilarious” is an extreme adjective which shows that something makes us laugh a lot. In other words, “hilarious” means “very funny”.

In most cases, it is not necessary to use “very” with extreme adjectives e.g. “This movie’s very hilarious”, sounds a little strange because “hilarious” is a strong enough word that doesn’t require “very” to add extra strength. Here are more examples along with their meanings.

Extreme Adjectives

Boiling – very hot
Freezing – very cold
Huge – Very big
Tiny – very small
Filthy – very dirty
Spotless – very clean
Furious – very angry
Exhausted – very tired
Packed – very crowded
Ancient – very old



Fill in the gaps with one of the following “extreme adjectives”.

     exhausted     freezing     terrified     starving     wonderful     soaked  

e.g. Did you go to the hairdresser? You look wonderful my dear!.

  1. My niece is 5 years old and she is still ________ of the dark!
  2. I have been working hard all day. I am really ___________.
  3. I didn’t have breakfast this morning. It’s 3 o’clock and I am _________ !
  4. It is –2° C outside and I haven’t the coat! I am  __________ cold.
  5. Last night it was raining heavily and I got _________.
  6. Do you know “What a ________ world?” It is a famous song by L. Armstrong.
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