Fun Spelling Games in Classroom and word activities for all Language Learners To develop spelling and pronunciation skills for all Levels and ages.
Fun Spelling Games in Classroom and word activities
Fun Spelling Games in Classroom
Fun and engaging spelling games and word activities for all language learners
A fundamental skill in learning, understanding, and speaking a language is spelling. When students know how to spell words, they have a stronger grasp on how to pronounce, read, and write words.
There are many ways to make spelling interesting and engaging. Moving away from rote learning words and bland spelling tests, teachers have the potential to get creative with ways they help students spell. Words, letters, and spelling can become much more exciting in the classroom with some of these handy tips and tricks.
Do you know what a foreign accent is? It’s a sign of bravery.
Amy Chua

Fun Spelling Games in Classroom
Fun and engaging spelling games and word activities for all language learners for all levels and ages. These activities can all be adapted and used at different points of your lesson.

This activity is a great practice for both memory and pronunciation.
Have your students add one word at a time to some basic sentence you write on the board, making a sentence as long as possible.
Then you erase one word at a time randomly and have students read out the full sentence to you. It will first seem easy to them, but wait until there are only a couple words left on the board!


This activity is a valuable tool to revise and introduce phrases and new words.
Dictate whole sentences letter by letter. Ask then your students to divide up into words and punctuate.

Students work in pairs: one sitting with pen and paper, while the other runs to the opposite wall, reads a few words, and runs back to dictate and spell to the partner. Wins the pair that can finish first with least mistakes.


This can be helpful for reading, speaking and pronunciation as well as making your students less nervous about making mistakes.
Divide the class in two. They all have the same piece of text which should be something they are familiar with. One member of team 1 starts to read. When team 2 thinks they have made a mistake or pronounced something in the wrong way they shout Bomb! (Translate the word in the language you’re teaching). If they are correct, team 2 scores a point and they take over reading, but if the reader on team 1 was correct then their team scores the point and continues with the next person in the group reading. They all get to read something and it turns into quite a fun competition.


Each student writes 5 things beginning with the same letter of the alphabet (you choose which one). Put your students in pairs to define their words as quickly as possible. First pair to finish wins. Give them another letter and start again.

Divide the class into 2 teams. One student from each team stands at the board with a board pen. You hold up a piece of paper with a word on, so that the 2 students at the board can’t see it. The team should shout the spelling to their team mate at the board. The first student to correctly spell the word scores a point. Rotate the students.

This activity is a variation of Scrabble and can be played without a board. The first player writes down a word. The longer the word, the easier it is for the other players. The next player writes a word using one of the letters in the first word and so on.


Write up the alphabet. The first team can write any word they feel they know how to spell correctly. The longer, the better, because it’s two points per letter if they spell it right. If it is mispelled, the team gets only one point per letter (for the correct number of letters). Erase one letter of the alphabet the team just used. The next player has one less letter to choose from. If you play this game a few times in a row, the students, on their own initiative, learn how to spell many huge words in no time at all.

This game is a good vocabulary builder and memory game.
Write the alphabet on the board and say you are going on a road trip. Say in the language you’re teaching “I’m going on a road trip and I’m taking along my…” (something that starts with A). The next person repeats what the first person said and adds on something that begins with the letter B. And so on.
You can make it more difficult, chosing a specific theme, such as animals or things that are red.


This warmer is excellent for kinesthetic students becuase they participate a lot. You can do it in pairs in front of the class, with rows or with the whole class.
Project the ABC on the board. Above each letter write the following letters at random: L for left, R, right or C for clap (use different letter for different languages, eg. Italian S for Sinistra (left), D for Destra (right) and B for Batti le mani for Clap). The students have to say the alphabet while they raise their Left (L), or Right (R) hand or clap (C) as you proposed.

Fun Spelling Games in Classroom
Here are some fun activities you can find on Language Advisor
Spelling games and word activities for Language Learners