German Writing Exercises die Schulordnung

German Writing Exercises: die Schulordnung. A free printable PDF to practice and improve writing skills in German. Free PDF

German Writing Exercises: die Schulordnung

Die Schulordnung

Exercise 1

Separate out the words so they form logical sentences.

  1. Anmeinerschulegibtesvieleregeln.
  2. Dieschülermüsseneineuniformtragen.
  3. Dervorteilderschulordnungistdassdieschülersichgutbenehmen.
  4. Schülersollenpünktlichseinundeinanderrespektieren.
  5. Dasmobbingistanjederschuleeinprobelm.

Exercise 2

Now translate the sentences above into English.

  1. ________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________
  4. ________________________________________________
  5. ________________________________________________

Exercise 3

Translate the sentences below using the letter chains provided to help you.

  1. D M M E S R U E W B T –The girls have to wear a black skirt and a white blouse.
  2. I K D U N L W S H U U I – I can’t stand the uniform because it is ugly and uncomfortable.
  3. A M S I E V S U P Z T – At my school it is prohibited to wear makeup and piercings.
  4. M M N S D R U U Z S – In my opinion the rules are unfair and too strict.
  5. A W G M D S D P – What I like the least is the stress of the exams.
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