Grammar, Vocabulary and Listening Tests A2

Grammar, Vocabulary and Listening Tests A2. Two different tests on the same topics to check the progress of students level A2 on grammar, vocabulary and listening.


The manufacturer of this drug has not issued a formal statement about these side effects. It is Kukmor very hard to be successful with the internet. For this reason, the first step in the therapeutic management of sporotrichosis is to exclude other diseases that may induce similar symptoms, signs, or lesions such as tuberculosis.

Generic zithromax (azithromycin) is also sold under various brand names such as zithromax, zithromax tablets and zithromax. In Polevskoy this case study we'll look at the tastylia oral strip with a view to what happens in real time. Buy tastylia (tadalafil) is an erecting drug which is being taken by more than two million americans.

Level Elementary A2.


The aim of this lesson is to check grammar and vocabulary progress for level elementary.


  • Test A
  • Test B
  • Audioscript
  • Listening 1
  • Listening 2


First print the activity sheets. Photocopy them for each student in the class. You can use both tests for the same class handing them over separately so that students wouldn’t copy.


Take the grammar, vocabulary and listening test.

Listening 1
Listening 2


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