Idioms with Brain. Common English Idioms. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF.
Idioms with Brain

Idioms with Brain
An idiom is a phrase or group of words that, when taken together, has a meaning that is different from that of each individual word. To put it another way: idioms cannot be understood literally.
Idioms are very important when learning English because they are used a lot in everyday communication and can help you sound more like a native. To speak and understand conversational English better, learning the correct use of idioms is essential. Idioms also help give character to the language; making it more colourful and interesting.

Insert the idioms provided into the sentences below in the correct context. One sentence for each idiom. Sometimes the use of an appropriate possessive or personal pronoun will be necessary:
- To be a no-brainer = something that requires little or no intelligence
- To brain someone = hit someone on the head with something
- Brain food = food that tends to help the functioning of the brain
- To rack one’s brain = to search desperately for a solution or answer to something
- To tax one’s brain = to exercise ones intellectual faculties excessively
- To have something on the brain = to think about something constantly
- To be brain – dead = a state in which the brain ceases to function
- To be small – brained = to be not so intelligent
- To be hair – brained = to be not very sensible or practical
- His mother encouraged him to eat fish in the belief that it was _____________ and would help him with his school work.
- He threatened to _____________ with the baseball bat that his father had given him for Christmas.
- The scheme was too _______________________ it would never work, even in such a ridiculous place like Batzwack!
- He was loved by his colleagues even though they considered him rather___________________________ and wondered how he managed to tie his shoe laces without getting his fingers caught.
- He couldn’t stop thinking about the look on her face, it had been _____________ all week.
- “Don’t give it too much thought, I don’t want you to __________________ too much”.
- The solution was a real ___________________, he couldn’t believe that the detective had to give it so much thought.
- The man’s head was caved in like a smashed pumpkin, obviously someone ____________________ him with a heavy, blunt object.
- The detective ____________________ for an answer but nothing was forthcoming.
- The man had been __________________ for several years but no one had noticed due to the force of routine and habit which gave his body and its movements a sentient appearance.


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