Idioms with Parts of the body. Common English Idioms. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF.
Idioms with Parts of the body

Idioms with Parts of the body
An idiom is a phrase or group of words that, when taken together, has a meaning that is different from that of each individual word. To put it another way: idioms cannot be understood literally.
Idioms are very important when learning English because they are used a lot in everyday communication and can help you sound more like a native. To speak and understand conversational English better, learning the correct use of idioms is essential. Idioms also help give character to the language; making it more colourful and interesting.

Idioms with Parts of the body
Match the following body idioms with their meanings.
- 1. to lose face a. a good idea/thought which comes unexpectedly or suddenly
- 2. to make eyes at somebody b. to welcome warmly with enthusiasm
- 3. to have a brainwave c. a subject of disagreement or argument
- 4. to play music by ear d. to put a lot of effort into sth
- 5. to welcome with open arms e. to play it from memory
- 6. to break the back of something f. to be humiliated/to lose one’s good reputation or respect of others
- 7. to take a back seat g. to finish the most difficult/the greater part of the work
- 8. a bone of contention h. to play an unimportant part in ……
- 9. to get one’s teeth into s/thing i. to look amorously at
Fill in the gaps using the correct body idiom from above.
- During our meeting we were thinking about new activities to do with the students, when one of the teachers __________________ .
- While Karen was giving her presentation, I decided to _________________ and let her do all the talking.
- After turning up late for lessons every day in the last week, she _____________________ with her students.
- The idea of closing the office for a week ______________________ .
- We’ve never seen eye to eye on this point. It’s a real __________________between us.
- I really enjoyed doing the new project my boss gave me to do. I _________________________ into it.
- If we get the majority of this work done by the end of the week, we ___________________________ of the project.
- The musician played so well – he remembered the notes without needing to look at them. He ___________________.
- My colleague at work is always _____________. He wants to go out with me.


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