IELTS Law and Crime Vocabulary – PDF. A Worksheet to enhance vocabulary to improve speaking and writing skills

IELTS Law and Crime Vocabulary – PDF

Vocabulary plays an important role in everyone’s life and with this PDF we would like to help you enhance your vocabulary to improve speaking and writing skills.

In this PDF you will find crime vocabulary . These crime words will help you write about the topic or talk about it in the test.

This topic is common in IELTS speaking and writing tests.

Here are some examples:

1. Criminal (Noun) Meaning – A person who commit a crime Example – Criminals who commit violent crimes should not be given probation.

2. Guilt (Noun) Meaning – Having done something wrong or committed a crime Example – If jurors (the members of a jury) find a defendant guilty, then that person must be punished.

3. Heavily fine (Noun) Meaning – To charge someone a lot of money since he/she has violated a law or regulation Example – Harry was heavily fined for speeding. The company was heavily fined for polluting the river’s water. John was not only thrown into jail but also heavily fined.

4. Enact (Verb) Meaning – To make into law; to put a law into practice Example – The law was finally enacted today. The state death penalty law was enacted in 1972.

5. Consequently (Adverb) Meaning – As a result; therefore (used to say something that happens because of something else) Example – She didn’t like the pudding; consequently, she threw it all away. Jack decided not to use a map; consequently, he got lost and never found his way out of the forest. He didn’t study for his test, consequently, he failed.

6. Legalize (Verb) Meaning – To make something become legal Example – The government won’t ever legalize the drugs trade.

7. Solid evidence (Noun) Meaning – Very convincing evidence Example – Mr. Thomas is not worried because he has a solid evidence. There is reasonably solid evidence against him.

8. Taken into consideration (Expression) Meaning – Take a look or take into account or consider Example – The judge took into consideration the fact that it was her first offence. The judge took into consideration that he used no violence in the commission of his crime.

9. Confine (Verb) Meaning – Restrict/limit Example – Why do you confine me? Is it cruel to confine a bird in a cage?

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