Improving Business Communication at Work. A listening Comprehension. A Business English lesson Plan To enhance students’ understanding and proficiency in business communication with Free Audio.
Improving Business Communication at Work. A listening Comprehension

Improving Business Communication at Work. A listening Comprehension
Level: Intermediate
- To discuss common challenges in business communication.
- To explore strategies and techniques for improving business communication.
- To practice listening comprehension skills through a dialogue in a podcast
- Begin the lesson by asking students about their experiences with business communication at work.
- Encourage them to share any challenges or issues they have faced in communicating effectively with colleagues, superiors, or clients.
- Write their responses on the whiteboard or flip chart.
- Introduce the topic of improving business communication at work.
- Explain that effective communication is crucial for the success of any company.
- Discuss common challenges in business communication, such as language barriers, cultural differences, lack of clarity, and poor listening skills.
- Present a list of strategies and techniques that companies can implement to improve business communication (e.g., clear and concise messaging, active listening, feedback mechanisms, regular team meetings, use of appropriate communication channels).
Improving Business Communication at Work. Listening Comprehension
- Explain that the dialogue is about a team meeting where communication issues are discussed and solutions are proposed.
- Instruct students to listen carefully to the dialogue and answer the comprehension questions.
Here is a list of possible questions?
- What is the meaning of the word “factor”
- What do the podcasters mean by the word “network”?
- What’s the difference between formal and informal communication?
- What does it mean for them “talk more openly”?
- How important it is to filter information?
- Is the office lay-out important in business communication?
- What is a negotation?
- How can you give feedbacks?
Play the audio recording of the podcast
- Give students time to answer the questions individually.
- Conduct a class discussion to check their answers and clarify any doubts.
- Divide the class into small groups.
- Provide each group with a copy of the handout containing discussion questions related to improving business communication.
- Instruct the groups to discuss the questions and share their thoughts and ideas.
- Circulate among the groups, providing guidance and facilitating the discussion.
- After the group discussions, have a class-wide discussion to share the groups’ findings and insights.
- Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson.
- Emphasize the importance of implementing effective communication strategies in the workplace.
- Encourage students to apply the strategies and techniques discussed in their own professional environments
Extension Activity
- Ask students to individually write a short reflection on one specific communication challenge they have faced at work and how they plan to address it using the strategies discussed in the lesson.
- Collect and review their reflections to provide feedback and guidance on their communication improvement plans.

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