Independent Practices For Your Language Lessons

Independent Practices For Your Language Lessons. Simple ideas to provide engagement and authentic language production

Independent Practices For Your Language Lessons

Independent Practices For Your Language Lessons for All Language Classrooms

Independent Practices For Your Language Lessons

A list of Independent Practices For Your Language Class. Lessons to provide engagement and authentic language production.

Independent practices are simple in concept. The idea is that students have been given instruction, have gone through a number of activities, and are now ready to show their understanding. While independent practice is sometimes seen as an assessment activity, they are not always one and the same. An independent practice may or may not be assessed by a teacher for a final score. Often, an independent activity can serve as the precursor to a test, final presentation, or project.

One of the difficulties for teachers in creating independent activities is that often they take a rather ordinary shape: essay, test, or speech. While each of these devices can be important techniques to allow students to practice their language production, independent activities can extend beyond these typical structures. In project based curriculum, researchers ask teachers to think outside the traditional box and think of unusual and fascinating ways to engage learners in language production.

The following activities attempt to introduce proper use of traditional independent practices, and then demonstrate activities that, with a little creativity from a teacher, might provide engagement and authentic language production where there might otherwise have been a lack of interest from participants.

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery


Mark Van Doren

Independent Practices For Your Language Lessons

What follows are a few very simple ideas to help stimulate interaction and thought in a classroom.


Here are some ready to use tests on Language Advisor


Here are some examples of essay models

All downloads are in PDF format


Here are some ready to use presentations you can find on Language Advisor

Create and Perform a Dialogue

You can create your own comic strips using Canva for free like these:


Impromptu Speech

Here are some speaking cards you can find on Language Advisor


Here are some examples

Interviews and Student Presentations

Onomatopoeia Scavenger Hunt


Class Field Trip

Independent Practices For Your Language Lessons

Here are some other Lesson plan ideas Activities you can find on Language Advisor

Lesson plan Activities For Your Language Lessons

Independent Practices For Your Language Lessons

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