Lesson Plan for Teaching Directions in Kindergarten. Engaging Students with Interactive and Fun Activities
Lesson Plan for Teaching Directions in Kindergarten

Lesson Plan for Teaching Directions in Kindergarten
Teaching directions to kindergarteners can be both educational and fun. This lesson plan incorporates interactive games, map activities, and practical exercises to help young learners understand and apply directional vocabulary. Here’s a comprehensive lesson plan for a kindy class focused on directions.
Warmer Activity
Team Writing Competition:
- Divide the class into two teams. Each team has a pen.
- Each student takes turns writing a word on the board related to places (e.g., market, school).
- The team with the most places listed wins.
Introducing the Map:
- Go through a map with the students, pointing out various destinations (e.g., school, market).
- Write down any unfamiliar words on the board and practice pronunciation.
Directional Vocabulary:
- Teach and drill the following directional phrases:
- Turn left
- Turn right
- Go straight
- Crossroads
- Roundabout
- Exit
- Before
- After
- Opposite
- Behind
- In front of
Practice Activities
Question and Answer Practice:
- Questions:
- Do you know where the police station is?
- How do I get to the hospital/pharmacy/temple?
- Is there a post office in this town?
- Answers:
- When you get to the temple/school, turn right/go straight.
- When you see the coffee shop on your left, take the next right.
- Go left at the roundabout, take the first exit.
- Discuss the difference between “Turn right” and “on your right”.
Production Activities
Team Direction Game:
- Divide the class into two teams. Using a premade map and a toy car, ask each team how to get to a specific destination.
- Students must direct the teacher from different starting points.
Interactive Car Game:
- One student from each team comes up at a time. The teacher directs them, and they must move the car accordingly.
Writing Directions:
- Have students write directions in their books from one place to another (e.g., market to school, school to coffee shop).
Cooler Activity
Blindfolded Directions Game:
- Move tables to create space at the front. Use masking tape to create a path on the floor.
- Two teams, one person from each team is blindfolded.
- Their teammates must direct them in English to the end of the line. The fastest team wins.
Lesson Plan for Teaching Directions in Kindergarten – Conclusion
End the lesson with a recap of the directional phrases learned. Encourage the kids to practice giving and following directions using the vocabulary they’ve learned.
By incorporating a mix of competitive games, map activities, and practical exercises, you can effectively teach kindergarteners about directions while keeping them engaged and excited about learning.

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