lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons

Lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons. Lesson plans with some of the most basic elements of instruction that might be of use for the language language instructor

Lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons

Lesson Planning Activities. Lesson Planning Activities for All Language Classrooms

Lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons

Lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons with some of the most basic elements of instruction that might be of use for the language language instructor

Instructional design varies from discipline to discipline, and there are many models that might evoke a similar look to lesson planning. Nonetheless, this lesson plan design includes some of the most basic elements of instruction that might be of use for the language language instructor. The terms used here are somewhat universal, but other terms exist and, once again, vary from context to context. For example, the term “warm up” is referred to by other instructional designers as a “theme introduction,” “attention getter,” or as a process of “activating/engaging learners.”

  • 1) Warm Up
  • 2) Objective Discussion
  • 3) Present and Model
  • 4) Guided or Controlled Practice
  • 5) Less Guided Practice
  • 6) Independent Practice
  • All of which lead at the same time to
  • 7) Assessment

A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary


Thomas Carruthers

Lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons

What follows are a few very simple ideas to help stimulate interaction and thought in an classroom.

Step 1: Warm up or Prepare Students

Here are some examples:

Word of the Day Worksheet

All downloads are in PDF format

Here are some Warm-up Worksheets

Step 2: Discuss the Objectives

Here are some examples

All downloads are in PDF format

Step 3: Present Instruction/Model

Here are some examples

Here are some PDF free to download

All downloads are in PDF format

Step 4: Guided or Controlled Practice

Here are some PDF worksheets

All downloads are in PDF format

Step 5: Less-guided Practice

Here is an example

All downloads are in PDF format

Step 6: Independent Practice

Step 7: Assessment

Here are some Assessment Tests you can find on Language Advisor

Lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons

Here are some other Lesson Planning Activities you can find on Language Advisor

Lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons

Lesson Planning Activities For Your Language Lessons

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