Linking words

Linking Words for IELTS Writing. List of most used linking words to help you prepare for IELTS essay writing

Linking Words for IELTS Writing

Though IELTS writing is considered to be difficult for some students, it’s helpful to know that the task questions are repeated quite often. We have created this list of common writing topics to help you develop your vocabulary for each topic and focus on these to achieve a high band score in IELTS Writing.

You have probably heard that the most important aspect of good writing is the effective employment of linking words. This is because short and choppy sentences lack drama whereas long sentences make a tedious read. Using linking words is a grammatically correct and stylistically effective way to connect ideas and sentences.

One of the criteria you are judged on in IELTS writing task 2 is coherence and cohesion.

What is Linking Words in IELTS?

Linking words or Transition words are Adverbs that act as conjunctions. They are the easiest and the most effective ways to connect ideas in a sentence. Using linking words in writing makes it much more appealing. Few examples are: Nevertheless, Particularly, Thus, Naturally, etc.

Why do We use Linking Words or Connectors for Writing Task?

Linking words are a fantastic grammatical as well as a stylistic tool to make your writing sing! Here are a few functions of linking words:

  • Linking words are essential to make your writing clear.
  • Provide cohesion to the writing.
  • Illustrate how the clauses/ parts of the text are related to each other.
  • Add extra information to the main point, like contrast, emphasis or a list of examples.
  • They help express purpose and opinion.
  • They help make a suitable conclusion.

How to Use Linking Words Correctly in IELTS?

It must be remembered before you start using linking words or linker for IELTS randomly, that linking words are emphatic. Therefore, should be used in moderation, if not sparingly. Here are some ways you can use linking words in IELTS writing task-

  • They show the logical connection between clauses, sentences or paragraphs, therefore you cannot go overboard with them.
  • Their position in a sentence is like that of conjunction. For example:
  • I like fruits, especially mangoes. Or,
  • They arranged a ride for us; particularly, for Emma, because she twisted her ankle.
  • You should use appropriate linking words. In the examples cited above, you cannot interchange the linking words (written in bold). Remember that, there are specific words for specific actions.
  • In most cases linking words are followed by a comma.

List of Connectors for IELTS Writing Task

Coherence and cohesion in your IELTS writing task 2, carries 25% marks, which is quite a lot if you think about it. You need to show a range of linking words so that the examiner can award you a high score.

Following a list of linking words and their context and below you’ll find the PDF with the list

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