May as well or Might as Well? Worksheets on Vocabulary. Vocabulary Worksheets for ESL. Free eBook and Free printable PDF.

May as well or Might as Well?
We can use may as well and might as well for making suggestions. We can use them to say what we think is the easiest or most logical course of action when we cannot see a better alternative. They are both fairly informal. Might as well is more common than may as well:
You might as well get a taxi from the station. It’ll be quicker than me coming in to get you.
A: What time does the film finish?
B: I think it’s ten o’clock.
A: Uh-huh. We may as well eat in town before it, then.

Rephrase the sentences below using might as well or may as well, as shown in the example.
e.g. I’ll begin the lesson now even if some students have not arrived yet. I might as well begin the lesson.
-  She has waited for Rachel for an hour, but Rachel hasn’t shown up.
-  I’ve never been skiing, but here I am in Bormio with a new pair of skis.
-   The salad isn’t ready but the pasta will get cold if we don’t eat it now.
-     Tina has paid all her bills for this month. She has some extra money and she found a new skirt she’d like to buy.
-   Bob lost 8 kilos in the last 3 months. Tonight he’d like to have a piece of cake.
-   We really enjoyed the party, but it’s now 4 a.m. and everybody is leaving.
-   Edward doesn’t usually drink alcohol, but tonight is New Year’s Eve.
-   Do you think I’ll need my umbrella today? It’s not raining but the clouds look black.
-  They don’t know much English, but they’re on vacation in Wales for 2 weeks.


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