McGraw Hill Reading Wonders, Benchmark Assessment, Grade 2

McGraw Hill Reading Wonders Benchmark Assessment Grade 6 Assessing the Common Core State Standards, CCSS by McGraw Hill Education. Free eBook/Flipbook and PDF

McGraw Hill Reading Wonders Benchmark Assessment Grade 6

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McGraw Hill Reading Wonders Benchmark Assessment Grade 6

Benchmark Assessment

Benchmark Assessment is an integral part of the complete assessment program aligned with McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Purpose of Benchmark Assessment Benchmark Assessment reports on the outcome of student learning and provides a status of current achievement in relation to the CCSS-aligned curriculum.

The results of the assessments can be used to inform subsequent instruction, aid in making leveling and grouping decisions, and point toward areas in need of reteaching or remediation.

Focus of Benchmark Assessment

Benchmark Assessment focuses on the following key areas of English Language Arts as identified by the CCSS: • Comprehension of literature • Comprehension of informational text • Using text features to access or clarify information • Vocabulary acquisition and use • Command of the conventions of standard English language • Writing within the parameters of specific text types.

Overview of Benchmark


Benchmark Assessment consists of two tests—Benchmark 1 and Benchmark 2. Benchmark 1 focuses on skills from Units 1, 2, and 3; Benchmark 2 samples skills from the entire year. Each test is in two parts—Part 1: Reading and Part 2: Writing.

Part 1: Reading

In this section of the test, students read a variety of literature and informational “Cold Read” texts on which 50 multiple-choice items are based. These items assess student understanding of the text through the use of Comprehension Skills, Literary Elements, and Text Features and students’ ability to uncover the meanings of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases using Vocabulary Strategies.

Part 2: Writing

In this section of the test, students read drafts of written work, cloze passages, and writing plans on which 40 multiple-choice items are based. Students demonstrate their command of the conventions of standard English language and their understanding of the writing process as they correct errors, clarify writing by editing/revising, and improve existing drafts/writing plans. After students complete the multiple-choice section of Part 2, they craft a written response to a prompt in a previously-taught text type. This activity assesses students’ ability to write on demand in response to a prompt and is consistent with the writing performance students encounter in high-stakes testing. Students use the lines provided to plan their writing and compose their final version on a separate sheet of paper.


McGraw Hill Reading Wonders Benchmark Assessment Grade 6

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