McGraw Hill Reading Wonders, Unit Assessment, Grade 2

McGraw Hill Reading Wonders, Unit Assessment, Grade 2 , Assessing the Common Core State Standards, CCSS. Free eBook/Flipbook and PDF

McGraw Hill Reading Wonders, Unit Assessment, Grade 2

McGraw Hill Reading Wonders Unit Assessment Grade 2

Unit Assessment

Unit Assessment is an integral part of the complete assessment program aligned with McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Purpose of Unit Assessment

Unit Assessment reports on the outcome of student learning. As students complete each unit of the reading program, they will be assessed on their understanding of key instructional content.

The results of Unit Assessment serve as a summative assessment by providing a status of current achievement in relation to student progress through the CCSS-aligned curriculum. The results of the assessments can be used to inform subsequent instruction, aid in making leveling and grouping decisions, and point toward areas in need of reteaching or remediation.

Focus of Unit Assessment

Unit Assessment focuses on key areas of English Language Arts as identified by the CCSS— comprehension of literature and informational text, vocabulary acquisition and use, phonics and word recognition, command of the conventions of the English language, and writing within the parameters of specific text types.

Administering Unit Assessment

Each unit assessment should be administered once the instruction for the specific unit is completed. Make copies of the unit assessment for the class. You will need one copy of the Answer Key page that features the scoring table for each student taking the assessment. This table provides a place to list student scores. The data from each unit assessment charts student progress and underscores strengths and weaknesses.

NOTE: Due to time constraints, you may wish to administer the unit assessment over multiple days. For example, students can complete Questions 1–40 on the first day and address the writing prompt on another. If you decide to break up administration by assessment sections, please remember to withhold those sections of the test students are not completing to ensure test validity. After each student has a copy of the assessment, provide a version of the following directions:

Say: Write your name and the date on the question pages for this assessment. (When students are finished, continue with the directions.) In the first part of the test, you will read three selections and answer questions about them. In the next part of the test, you will answer phonics questions and revise and edit texts for clarity and correct grammar, mechanics, and usage. In the final part of the test, you will read a prompt and write a response. Read each part of the test carefully. For multiple-choice items, completely fill in the circle next to the correct answer. For constructed response items, write your response on the lines provided. For the writing prompt, plan your writing on the lines provided and craft your final version on another sheet of paper. When you have completed the assessment, put your pencil down and turn the pages over. You may begin now.

Answer procedural questions during the assessment, but do not provide any assistance on the items or selections. Have extra paper on hand for students to use for their responses to the prompt. After the class has completed the assessment, ask students to verify that their names and the date are written on the necessary pages.


McGraw Hill Reading Wonders Unit Assessment Grade 2

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