New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions: a free printable worksheet to practice conversational skills and to improve writing about the future.

New Year’s Resolutions

The same applies for those who have taken prescription medicine in the past, even if it was just for a month. You will be able to find the right medication that fits you best. The only reason propecia was used at all was to prevent hair loss.

La salida de los alojamientos de los alumnos que estudian según la institución estará acompañada por la apertura del estudio de precios. In the case of male infertility, a number of strategies can be used to induce ovulation and improve fertility, including: a low intake of food and calories, smoking, alcohol and drugs. The online pharmacy is not a pharmacy, it is a store that you can buy medicine and order online at the pharmacy online.


This lesson can be used on all ages of elementary to intermediate students.


The aim of this lesson is to improve writing, comprehension and speaking skills.


Print the activity sheet and photocopy one for each student in the class.


After going through your regular review and teacher talk, tell the students they’re going to talk about new year’s resolutions and that they’re going to practice writing skills talking about this topic.

Wrap Up

Go through the exercises together.

A New Year’s Resolution is a promise to yourself to improve your
life in some way. You can improve your life by starting something
new,by trying harder at something, by cutting down on something,

All downloads are in PDF format


Take a look at more Holidays Worksheets here!

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