Phonics Level 4 – Ebook will build on the linguistic focus presented in Level 3 to develop reading and listening skills.
Phonics Level 4 – Ebook
Phonics Level 4 – Ebook
What is Phonics Level four?
By now, children should be confident with each phoneme. ‘From here on, phonics teaching is about consolidating and refining their knowledge, introducing more spelling patterns and tricky words, and increasing vocabulary.
At this stage, children should be comfortable with each phoneme. From here on, the teaching of phonics will be about consolidating and improving their knowledge, while introducing trickier words with increased vocabulary.
By level 4 phonics , children should be able to blend confidently to work out the sound of new words. They should be able to read words right away without sounding them out. And they should be able to write each letter
Level four Phonics Sounds
In Level 4 phonics, children will, among other things:
- Practise reading and spelling CVCC words (‘bump’, ‘nest’, ‘belt,’ ‘milk’, etc)
- Practise reading and spelling high frequency words
- Practise reading and writing sentences
- Learn more tricky words, including ‘have,’ ‘like,’ ‘some,’ ‘little’
Children should now be blending confidently to work out new words. They should be starting to be able to read words straight off, rather than having to sound them out. They should also be able to write every letter, mostly correctly.
Here are some examples of the kinds of phonemes that children are expected to understand by this stage.
- Sk, lt, lp, if, and pt
- Scr, shr, thr, nch and str
- Fr, nl, fl, gl and pl
- Cl, sl, sp, st and tw
- Sm, pr, sc, sk and sn
Teaching Level 4 Phonics
This phase usually takes four to six weeks.
There are lots of fun and imaginative ideas that you can use when teaching phase 4 phonics to your children and students. Keep children excited and engaged by organising a treasure hunt for the phase 4 letters and sounds, or watch some of the many phonics-themed songs, educational films and rhymes that are available online or on YouTube.

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