PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF. English ESL Worksheets




A prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word. For example, the word “unhappy” consists of the prefix “un-” [which means “not”] combined with the root (or stem) word “happy”; the word “unhappy” means “not happy.”

A short list of prefixes:

de-from, down, away, reverse, oppositedecode, decrease
dis-not, opposite, reverse, awaydisagree, disappear
ex-out of, away from, lacking, formerexhale, explosion
il-notillegal, illogical
im-not, withoutimpossible, improper
in-not, withoutinaction, invisible
mis-bad, wrongmislead, misplace
non-notnonfiction, nonsense
pre-beforeprefix, prehistory
pro-for, forward, beforeproactive, profess, program
re-again, backreact, reappear
un-against, not, oppositeundo, unequal, unusual


A suffix is a group of letters placed after the root of a word. For example, the word flavorless consists of the root word “flavor” combined with the suffix “-less” [which means “without”]; the word “flavorless” means “having no flavor.”

A short list of suffixes:

-ableable to, having the quality ofcomfortable, portable
-alrelating toannual comical
-ercomparativebigger, stronger
-estsuperlativestrongest, tiniest
-fulfull ofbeautiful, grateful
-ibleforming an adjectivereversible, terrible
-ilyforming an adverbeerily, happily, lazily
-ingdenoting an action, a material, or a gerundacting, showing
-lesswithout, not affected byfriendless, tireless
-lyforming an adjectiveclearly, hourly
-nessdenoting a state or conditionkindness, wilderness
-yfull of, denoting a condition, or a diminutiveglory, messy, victory



How many different words can you make with these prefixes and suffixes ?

Use : -ful / mis- / –ly /  en- / dis–  /  un–  /  in- .

e.g. Use : useful, misuse.

  • pain :
  • understand :
  • care :
  • love :
  • beauty :
  • doubt :
  • colour :
  • lead :
  • courage :
  • obedient :
  • help :
  • expected :
  • like :
  • slow :
  • immediate :
  • sane :
  • lucky :
  • honest :


Create a word using the correct prefix or suffix.

e.g. The singer is very famous  (fame).  

  • 1. The old farm house is starting to fall apart.  I suppose it has been _________(use) now for at least 15 years.  It’s a pity it couldn’t be done up and ________(furnish).
  • 2. The __________________ (legal) of cannabis has been introduced in some countries such as Holland, but it is unlikely that it will be introduced in the States for the time being.
  • 3. He is a very ________________ (like) fellow but I didn’t like the way he treated Irene.  What he did was terrible. It was both ______________ (moral) and _______________________ (loyal).
  • 4. I am not sure and George is also very _____________ (sceptical) about the situation.  It is __________________ (surprise) that he would have acted that way, after all you had done for him.
  • 5. The orchestra had a very _______________ (disappoint) performance considering the talent present.   
  • 6. I was very unhappy about the proposal.  In fact, the _________________(courage) thing about it was not the money, but the time it will take to get the whole thing off the ground.  The contractors were also unhappy.  They seemed to be very _________________ (satisfy).
  • 7. You must treat that wound with an _____________________ (septic) lotion or it will become infected.  
  • 8. Your button is ________________________ (do)!
  • 9. The police are still looking for the young girl who ___________________(appear) last Friday.
  • 10. We waited to see the end of the film but the whole thing was an ________________________ (climax).



Choose the correct adjective/noun + suffix from the box to complete the sentences .

 Homeless   Helpful   Attractive    Imagination     Outrageous    Priceless    ChildishApologetic   Wealthy    Comfortable 

e.g. He comes from Britain, he’s British

  1. Thank you for being so _______________.
  2. That man lives on the streets, he must be _____________.
  3. This situation is completely __________________.
  4. You look very ________________today.
  5. Use your ________________.
  6. This antique table is ____________________.
  7. Stop being so _____________.
  8. You don’t seem to be sorry, I think you should be more ____________.
  9. This area is well known for it’s residents, they are all very ________________.
  10. This couch is so __________________.


Match the adjective/noun + suffix on the right with the corresponding description.

To be of assistance                                      Childish

Beautiful                                                      Wealthy

Creativity                                                    Helpful

No fixed value                                             Outrageous

To be rich                                                    Attractive

Cosy                                                             Homeless

Absurd                                                         Comfortable

To be sorry                                                  Imagination

Immature behaviour                                     Priceless

Without a fixed address                              Apologetic



Add the correct negative prefix to each of the following words.

  • ____believable
  • ____healthy
  • ____competent
  • ____thinkable
  • ____clear
  • ____lock
  • ____solve
  • ____tie
  • ____comprehensible
  • ____organised
  • ____aware
  • ____worthy
  • ____precise
  • ____moral


Match the word to the definition.

Disinfectant – unselfish – disappointed – unfit – irregular – unjust – dissimilar – immortal – disappear – unskilled – disqualify – inadequate

  1.   Someone who always thinks of himself last is  
  2.    Something not good enough is 
  3.   A liquid used to clean surfaces is 
  4.   When the sun rises in the morning, the stars 
  5.   A person who does manual labour is this kind of worker
  6. Judges do this to someone who competed incorrectly
  7.   I can’t go dancing because I’ve got a fever, so I’m
  8.   An insane person can’t testify in court: he is  
  9.   Two people who have nothing in common are
  10.    Something that happens erratically is
  11.    Keeping an innocent man in prison is
  12.    Anything that lives forever is


Which of the following are real English words?

  • ___ disintegrate
  • ___ unhonest
  • ___ insatisfied
  • ___ unexpensive
  • ___ infertility
  • ___ unpatient
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